Medical ethics

The word “Euthanasia” comes from the greek terms “eu” (beautiful) and “thanatos” (death), thus implying a beautiful death or a “mercy” killing. Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering. There are two tipes of euthanasia, active euthanasia and passive euthanasia. Passive euthanasia is where a doctor or another person does nothing to prevent death, therefore allowing the person to die. Active euthanasia, is when a doctor or another person takes direct action to cause death.

In essay “ Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide : It’s murder in the First Degree“, Autumn Buzzel, the author, states that active euthanasia and assisted suicide is murder and shouldn’t be allowed because it is not natural and extremely unethical. I agree with Miss Buzzel opinion that active euthanasia and assisted suicide should be banned. Some people who support euthanasia and assisted suicide states that euthanasia and assisted suicide is “painless inducement of a quick death” (Kohl: 1974).

But in fact, as Autumn Buzzel states in her essay, “medical killing of sick persons would create far more distress, suffering and pain, directly and indirectly, than it would relieve. ”. Take for instance, the case of Kate Cheyney that mentioned in Autumn Buzzel’s essay. Kate Cheyney died by physician assisted suicide. It was not the clean-cut death of dignity. It took an hour of pain for her death to be complete.

In my religion, Islam, euthanasia and assisted suicide is not allowed because it is categorized a designed murder (al-qatlu al-‘amad), even the reason is to relieve pain and suffering. It is also banned even the patient requested it. Allah has mentioned it in holy Quran in Surah An-nisa:92, “And never is it for a believer to kill a believer except by mistake… ”, and Surah An-nisa:29, “ … and do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful”. When we see the case from law side, euthanasia and assisted suicide should be banned because it is a homicide.

It is mentioned in subsection 344 KUHP , “Barang siapa merampas nyawa orang lain atas permintaan orang itu sendiri yang jelas dinyatakan dengan kesungguhan hati diancam dengan pidana penjara paling lama dua belas tahun”, and subsection 340 KUHP, “ Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan dengan rencana lebih dulu merampas nyawa orang lain diancam, karena pembunuhan berencana, dengan pidana mati atau pidana penjara seumur hidup atau selama waktu tertentu paling lama dua puluh tahun”. Euthanasia and assisted suicide is also related to moral and medical problem.

Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician who called the father of modern medicine, is said , “I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel. ” Many doctors still follow this philosophy, which is part of the Hippocratic Oath. Commiting euthanasia and assisted suicide, however, is betrayed this philosophy. Euthanasia is done by doctors who believe that it is time for the person’s life to end. They forget they main job to heal and take care the patients.

When doctor is given right to do euthanasia, in the other words they are given a right to murder. Doctors, in this case, act like God. Whereas no one but God should determine when a person is to die. I can’t imagine how that would be if the whole world legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. I predict that people will doubt to trust doctor, people will loose their caretaker, their healer. Doctor will loose their trust and respect, or maybe loose their own ‘happy’ feeling or pride when they can heal someone like they felt in the past.

Some doctor probably will feel regret after giving euthanization, like the case of Dr. Bry Benjamin cited in Autumn Buzzel’s essay. Stephen Hawking, he was diagnozed with a motor neuron disease in 1964. He is a brilliant scientist and was told he had a few years to live. He is paralysed, unable to speak without aid and he is 70 years old and still going in a wheelchair. If euthanasia had existed when he was born, maybe he would have been die many years ago. And it’s not just a coincidence. There are thousands in wheelchairs and pain but love life too much.

From this example, we can conclude that there are so many more choices than commit euthanasia or assisted suicide. We have to remember that life must be preserved at all costs. In sort, active euthanasia and assisted suicide shouldn’t be allowed. Doctor have to be more wise to choose the best treatment for their patients. There are so many more choices than poisoning the body onto death. We can also against euthanasia and assisted suicide by take care and fill our family member that in terminally ill or incureable condition’s last day with togetherness and happiness.

While slowly experiencing a terminal death, the pain of a life-threatening disease is unbearable. The constant anguish of a helpless cancer patient who lies there with intoxicating discomfort. This leaves the patient with a question, “Should I decide to call …

Mercy killing or Euthanasia is nothing but the practice of killing a person or animal, in a painless or minimally painful way, for merciful reasons, usually to end suffering of a patient before death. In wider sense it depicts assisting …

Mercy killing or Euthanasia is nothing but the practice of killing a person or animal, in a painless or minimally painful way, for merciful reasons, usually to end suffering of a patient before death. In wider sense it depicts assisting …

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide is an issue that has been included in public debates for decades now. This is due to the morality of the issue and when it can be regarded as acceptable or not. Euthanasia is the act …

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