Medical care in china

With the development of the economy, Chinese government continually tried to conduct the reform and innovation of the health and medical care system to improve the quality of the population. Health and Medical Care System To achieve the goal ofuniversal coverage, the Chinese government carries out lots of strategies and measures which can be summarized as “four beams and eight pillars” (Si Liang Ba Zhu). The “four beams” includes public health care, medical care, health insurance and essential drugs (CHSI, 2009). The public health care is designed to achieve the equitable provision of basic public health programs to all residents.

The medical care system will focus on improving health care quality and efficiency for all the residents. Health insurance, which includes the new rural cooperative medical scheme, the urban employee-based basic medical insurance scheme and the urban resident-based basic medical insurance scheme, will be strengthened by increasing government financial support and improving management. Finally, a system will be established to ensure the provision of essential drugs of a reasonable price and quality (Liu, 2002). China currently has two medical systems Chinacurrentlyhastwomedicalsystems:TraditionalChineseMedicine(TCM) originated and imported Western medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in China well over 3000 years ago, and has since transferred to almost every corner of the world. Based on treatments which is attempt to restore the balance and harmony to the body, nearly a quarter of the world’s population use TCM as the first medical resort Today. Even the most Chinese hospitals have traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine (made in china) and imported medicine, the price of the Chinese medicine is much lower than the imported western medicine.

The big problemof theinsurance systemis thatthe importedmedicines arevery expensive and are not covered by the health insurance. However, some hospitals would like to prescribe the imported medicine to the patient to increase the sale of the hospitals. There are two insurance systems in China, business insurance and the state basic insurance.

However, the business insurance is very expensive and unaffordable for most people. The basic state insurance only covers 60% of the fee. Medical security system Because of the market operation of medical institutions, technical level, equipment condition in the big city hospital are getting better and better. The city community hospitals, particularly in rural hospitals to maintain hard, gradually atrophic, even reached the point where they cannot survive.

The government health investment most goes into the big hospital, which aggravate the degree of the differentiation. At present, 80% of the country’s medical resources concentrated in the big cities, of which 30% is concentrated in large hospitals. Results are that the city people ran into large hospital for treatment, rural people ran city and large hospitals are overwhelmed. small hospitals there. 2/ Because of the lack of compensation mechanism, it is very hard for the government to reduce the drug price and the pursuit of profit maximization gradually become the major missions of the hospital.

Due to the medical market is a special market and the asymmetry of doctor-patient, market competition often makes higher price. For example, in order to get better position in the competition, medical institutions tend to compete to purchase advanced equipment, which are already in short supply in our country the repeat configuration and waste of medical resources, to recover the cost and get profit as soon as possible after device is purchased, often excessive medical services.

The health care industry as a special industry, it is easy to form the market monopoly status. The market monopoly under the condition of medical treatment charge will inevitably continue to rise. Increasing health care costs, the government, individuals, companies are under enormous pressure, accounted for over 70% of the population in our country, there is no medical security of the rural population is more difficult to afford health care costs.

2. The way Chinese people feel about it Chinese people want to see a doctor who is not an expert should follow two steps: to buy a number and then to see a doctor. If you want to see an expert, you need to make an appointment in advance, and the cost is expensive, so lots of people is to look at the ordinary doctor.

Line can be , The doctor will give you a lot of medicine prescription according to your condition, many of the medicine are Imported drugs, ( Insurance does not include the imported drugs ) and the cost is very expensive , if you have no money and no insurance is no money to buy medicine, so Chinese people hope in the insurance also include these imported drugs, but more hope that the doctor prescription according to according to the patient’s condition to the cheapest drugs, not only in order to improve the turnover.

Prediction Chinese medical care system in future 25 years China’s government announced the new blueprint for health and medical care system reform and development for the next twenty five years in an official policy document entitled “Guidelines for Deepening Health Systems Reform”. The aim of the reform is to establish universal coverage which can provide “safe, effective, convenient, and affordable basic health services” to all urban and rural residents Government should do its utmost to achieve its aims and to implement promised policy in order to avoid public dissatisfaction in future 25 years.

I think China’s economic development is stable and fast, which provides the financial conditions necessary to operate and sustain health programs that move towards a universal care system. The government is likely to continue increasing financial support for the health sector if economic development and growth is maintained. The ultimate realization of Chinese health medical and medical system will become the universal care systems for free.

Reference CHSI (Center for Health Statistics and Information, Ministry of Health) , 2009. National Health Service Report. Beijing. Liu Y, 2002. Reforming China’s urban health insurance system. Health Policy;60:133–150. Meng Q, 2008. Provider payment system reform in China: a updated review. World Bank AAA report. Tang S, Meng Q, Chen L, Bekedam H, Evans T, Whitehead M, 2008. Tackling the challenges to health equity in China. The Lancet; 372: 1493-501. Wagstaff A, Lindelow M, 2008. Can insurance increase financial risk? The curious case of health insurance in China. Journal of Health Economics;27:990–1005.

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