Medical Assistants

I have recently enrolled into the Associates of Applied Science in Medical Assisting (AASMA) program at Kaplan University. Since I have been enrolled in this program, I have learned a lot about my profession, the courses that I have to take and the skills I need to be a medical assistant. In this paper I will discuss the overview of my profession, education requirements, current issues relevant to healthcare, personality traits and my future career goals. Overview of Profession.

An Associates of Applied Science in Medical Assisting is a degree program that will assist me in entry level opportunities as a medical assistant in physician offices, hospitals and health clinics. It is consisted of 15 core credits, 62 major credits and 15 open electives totaling 92 credits. A Medical Assistant provides assistance to health care professionals. This program will help to prepare me for one of the most fast growing careers in the health care industry. As a medical assistant I will be interacting with health care professionals on a daily basis.

This program will provide all the necessary courses and hands on training to help me attain the proper knowledge and skills to be a medical assistant. Education Requirements To become a medical assistant, one has to have a high school diploma or General Education Diploma (GED). It is not a requirement to be certified as a medical assistant, but most employers prefer to hire a medical assistant who is certified. In order to be able to receive certification as a medical assistant one must either pass an exam or complete and graduate from a program that is accredited.

Some of the certifications for medical assistants include; Certified Medical Assistants (CMA) from the American Associates of Medical Assistants (AAMA), Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) from the American Medical Technologists (AMT), National Certified Medical Assistant (NCMA) from the National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT), and Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) from the National HealthCare Association (NHA). The program that I am currently taking at Kaplan University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) (BLS, 2013).

A degree in Medical Assisting can prepare me to become a medical records and health information technician, dental assistant, administrative medical assistant, EKG technician, and optometry assistant. Upon completion of this program I would like to receive further training to be an EKG technician. I find the heart very fascinating and due to my heart condition I would like to learn more about it and also show my patient’s compassion that they are not alone with what they are dealing with. Current Issues in Health Care Relevant to Medical Assistants

One current issue that is relevant to the medical field is the new Affordable Care Act. This will insure that middle class hardworking families will be able to afford health insurance (White House, 2012). Insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for those with preexisting conditions (White House, 2012). The many young adults who were uninsured can now be able to stay under their parent’s coverage (White House, 2012). Also many employers now have to provide insurance coverage for their employee’s (White House, 2012).

This was a problem for me because I have a condition with my heart and my current employer does not provide healthcare coverage for the employees. I will be getting kicked off my father’s insurance coverage when I turn 26. So this was great news for me and the many middle class Americans around the world that could not afford health insurance. This will also increase the number of positions in the medical field which will help to decrease the unemployment rate. I hope that this new act that will start in 2014 will help make things better for the hard working middle class.

I know what it feels like to not be insured. I was uninsured for 6 years before I was added to my father’s plan. I was uninsured because I could not afford health insurance and my employer didn’t provide health insurance for their employees. I felt that I was putting my health at risk and I agree that every employer should provide health insurance to their employees even if it’s a minimum wage position. Personality Traits and Skill Sets This program will provide all the necessary courses and hands on training to help me attain the proper knowledge and skills to be a medical assistant.

Most Medical Assistants will study to develop skills such as; Assisting physicians in preparations and examinations for patients Communicating in a professional manner and providing accurate instructions to patients Performing routine laboratory tests, such as; 1. Blood work 2. Venipuncture 3. Urinalysis 4. Electrocardiograms As a Medical Assistant I must have important qualities such as; Analytical skills ~ As a medical assistant it is important for us to be able to follow and be knowledgeable on how to read medical charts and diagnoses.

For billing purposes it may be a requirement to code a patient’s medical records. Detail oriented ~ A medical assistant must be accurate in taking vital signs and precise in recording a patient’s information. Many physicians and insurance companies rely on this information. Interpersonal skills ~ As a medical assistant we must be able to discuss patient information with other health care professionals. We often interact with patients who may be in pain or distress and have to act on it in a professional manner. Technical skills.

~ As a medical assistant we need to be able to perform and be knowledgeable of basic clinical tools that can take a patient’s vital signs. Some of the basic instruments used would be a blood pressure cuff to monitor the blood pressure and a stethoscope to listen to the heart and lung sounds. From my personality survey; I scored a twenty-six (26) in the area of social interest which states that I enjoy working with others to help them learn and grow. I scored a fifteen (15) in enterprising which states that I like to take action rather than think about things.

I scored a thirteen (13) in the investigative area stating that I rather think things through and finding out problems than taking action. I scored a six (6) in the conventional area which states that I like to follow rules and routines rather than working with ideas. I scored a four (4) which states that I don’t like careers that involve much paperwork or working with others. I scored a two (2) in the area of being artistic which states that I don’t like work that deals with art, music, or art. I enjoyed taking this personality test.

It taught me a few things about myself that I didn’t know about. I believe that this personality test are very closely matched with my personality (O*Net Online, n. d. ) Kaplan University Career Services Kaplan University’s Career Services is there to assist students with finding possible career opportunities. They assist with building a professional resume that will help to attract the appropriate employers for your field. They conduct mock interviews to help prepare you for the position you are applying for. They also provide great networking tips. Society is becoming more active in technology.

In today’s society, we communicate professionally and academically through the internet. Applications are now being accepted via internet. Interviews for major corporations are being done via Skype. I try to keep myself up to date with all the new technologies so that I will be a great candidate for any position because most companies use technology for everything. Career Goals and Future Being a Medical Assistant is just a stepping stone in my career. My career goal is to become a Registered Nurse. I would just like to experience the medical field a little before I pursue being a Registered Nurse.

In five years I see myself completing a nursing program and studying for my boards to become a Registered Nurse. I have written out a timeline for my career goal. Most if my credits from my other school got transferred to Kaplan so that I won’t have to start this program all over. I will be finished this program within the next 6-8 months. I will take a few weeks to prepare for my boards as a Medical Assistant. In the event that I pass my boards I’m giving myself a time limit of 2-3 months to find a job. I will work in this profession for about 9 months to a year.

I will gain knowledge from my Registered Nurse co-workers and Employers. By 2016, I will be taking the classes needed to get into the nursing program. By 2017, I will be in the nursing program and by 2018 I will be studying for my boards to be a Registered Nurse. I understand that something’s may come in the way of this because I am a mother, but I will try my best to stay on this path of completing my career goal. This will help to provide more financial stability for me and my daughter as well as open up more career opportunities in the future.

References Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-2013 Edition, Medical Assistants from http://www. bls. gove/ooh/healthcare,medical-assistatants. htm retrieved on October 16, 2013. Kaplan School of Health Sciences Associates of Applied Science in Medical Assisting (AASMA). (Video)

Retrieved from http://extmedia. kaplan. edu/healthSci/HS100/HS100_1303A/MA/MA. html on October 16, 2013 White House. (2012). A more secure future: What the new health care law means for you and your family. Retrieved from http://www. whitehouse. gov/healthreform/healthcareoverview#healthcare-menu.

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