Mechanism of anesthesia

Anesthesia affects the nerve cells or the neurons by changing the course of sodium molecules through its membranes. The mechanism is not really known because anesthetics are not known to attach to any receptor nor does it affect any transmission of the nerve impulses. When the sodium molecules change the flow in neurons there is no way for nerve impulses to regenerate thus causing the brain to be unconscious.

In general anesthesia it does not store any memories, pain impulses from the other areas of the body are not registered and looses its control over involuntary reflexes. While in regional anesthesia, when nerve impulses are not generated it causes no pain stimuli to the brain that is why the area where anesthetics are injected feels numb but involuntary reflexes are still intact. The duration and effect of anesthesia depends on the drug of choice and the amount administered. Factors that affect the choice of anesthesia to be administered

There are different factors to be considered in choosing the type of anesthesia for the patient undergoing an operation or any medical procedures. One of the considerations is the type of surgery to be done. Major surgeries are usually invasive thus requiring the patient to be unconscious that is why at most major surgeries general anesthesia is used. Biopsies, surgeries on the arms, hands legs and feet, eye surgery are medical procedures that usually use regional or local anesthesia.

Regional anesthesia is used in surgeries that involve the genitourinary organs of the body. General anesthesias are usually given in procedures that involve critical organs like the chest and abdomen. When receiving either general or regional anesthesia it is important that the physician as well as the anesthesiologist to note of any drugs that the patient is taking. Anesthetics may interact with medications. It can either potentiate the effect of the drug or alter its effect thus increasing the chance of side effects to occur.

These side effects could lead to a more adverse reaction that can cause a greater problem for the patient. It is important that the doctors and anesthesiologist to take note of any medical problems such as heart problems, lung, and kidney conditions in order to determine the type of anesthesia that will be used for the patient. Medical condition is an important factor because it allows the patient to view the potential pros and consequences of the patient’s condition towards the anesthesia to be used in the procedure.

Older patients are more sensitive to anesthetics and may increase the side effects felt by the patient. That is why it is important to keep track on the type of drug used and the right amount to be administered. This is also the same in cases of children. It is important that physicians are aware and has carefully assessed the child before giving anesthetics, as this may increase the risk of the child with unwanted side effect of the drugs (Ross-Flanigan, 2002). The use of anesthesia in general may be affected with smoking and alcohol consumptions.

Thus, it is important for the anesthesiologist to know this because it allows them to choose a better anesthetic that would suit the condition. It is the same thing as for allergies. If the anesthesiologist is aware of the patient’s allergies it would reduce the chances of any unpleasant side effects on the anesthesia of choice to be administered. Other factors also include the food that you ate before the surgery, previous experience with anesthesia and adverse reaction of any family members to anesthesia (Mayo Clinic, 2006).

Surgical procedures are made possible because of the development of anesthesia. Without any way of reducing pain, most surgeries could not be possible. Anesthesia is the loss of pain sensation through administration of anesthetics. It can be used in medical …

Local anesthesia is the simplest type of Regional anesthesia. When this anesthetic is injected around the area where the procedure is to be performed the area becomes numb. The operation is then started and the patient will not feel the …

 The research will utilize a descriptive method of study in which it is a study that describes the nature of the phenomenon under investigation after a survey of current trends, practices and conditions that relate to the phenomenon. The respondents …

Anesthesia is the loss of feeling or sensation. It may be accomplished without the loss of consciousness, or with partial or total loss of consciousness. Anesthesia has not been around forever, but there is a background history of its creation …

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