Meaning Through Illness

Several theories have been proposed that relate to finding meaning in illness. Potentially relevant to the healing process is the concept, “health within illness. ” Instead of regarding one’s illness as a totally negative experience, one can find meaning in their illness; use it as an opportunity for their reflection and growth. Illness can be a catalyst for feeling more alive or having more of a sense of connection with the whole. Chick and Meleis (1996) discussed transitions as a passage or movement from one life phase, conditions or status to another.

These transitions are positive and include a period of disconnectedness with confusions and distress, with potential changes in self-concept, self-esteem and role performance and leading to a sense of new beginning.

As transitions can occur during illness or recovery the concept may be relevant to healing. Steeves and Kahn (1997) explored a concept of meaning within suffering. In their contacts with hospice patients, they repeatedly heard patients about experiences of becoming aware of something they considered greater than themselves and that these experiences fundamentally changed the patient’s view of reality.

This change was often a profoundly positive experience helping them to view their suffering differently, but more important changing their sense of themselves in the world. These people were dying and were having a different experience than people who are expected to recover but some elements are similar, such as anxiety, pain and changes in functioning. Finding meaning may be a part of the illness experience.

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