MD Andrewson case

The University ofTexas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) is one of the world’s most-respected centers devoted exclusively to cancer patient care, research, education and prevention. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the premier cancer centers in the world. It is located in the Texas Medical Center in central Houston, alongside over 40 other health care entities. MD Anderson’s visions is to be the premier cancer center in the world, based on the excellence of the people employed, research-driven patient care, and scientific innovations.

According to a survey in 2010, MD Anderson was ranked as one of the top hospitals in the nation for cancer care with the title of “America’s Best Hospitals’. MD Anderson was created in 1941 as a part of the University of Texas System. The institution is one of the nation’s original three comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Act of 1971 and is one of 40 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers today. More than 34,028 were new patients.

MD Anderson receives more grant support from the National Cancer Institute than any other institution. In 2010 MD Anderson received over $200M in federal grants and contracts, with total research funding of $547M that year. The Executive Vice President, Dr. Burke was considering about to start a new “endocrine center” to develop their business. Hence he proposed the center would be managing thyroid gland and parathyroid gland cancers along with adrenal gland disease with various multiple endocrine neoplasia, and pediatric endocrine gland tumors (Porter & Jain, 2010).

Case Write-up 1. Why is multidisciplinary care important, particularly in treating cancer? How is value created for patients? i. e. Why is it important to use an IPU structure to organize patient care for those with cancer? Multidisciplinary care important because a patient’s primary relationship is mainly with the a cancer care center, in which surgeons, radiologists and other cancer specialists work together in the same facility for a multidisciplinary cancer treatment.

Multidisciplinary care helps to have diagnosisat an early stage which is helpful for treating the cancer with the necessary radiation that is required. The success depends on the appropriate treatment and the timeliness of the treatment which in turn decreases the spread of cancer to other parts of the body (Porter and Jain, 2010). IPU structure plays an important role to organize patient care for those with cancer as IPU’s restructures care delivery around medical conditions over the full cycle of care. (Porter, M. E. & Teisberg, E. O, 2006).

IPU’s is not very common around the world and only a few health care providers offer this care effectively and efficiently. IPU should be built in a patient-oriented mindset and respect the history of the hospital and its demographic environment. 2. What is the structure of The Head and Neck Center? What activities, specialists and facilities are included in this structure? What activities/functions does MDACC have that are shared across multiple centers? The Head and Neck Center consisted of a Medical Director Dr.

Ehab Hannah, a head and neck surgeon who was also the vice-chairman, two associate medical directors and a center administrative director (CAD). The conditions managed at the center included tumors of the thyroid gland, salivary glands, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, and par nasal sinus, sarcomas of the soft tissue and bone, melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. In 2005, they received 1,942 new patient referrals. The center completed about 38,000 billable outpatients’ visits and provided approximately 6,000 patient-days of inpatient care (Porter and Jain, 2010).

There were a number of specialists like 12 medical oncologists, 8 radiation oncologists, 8 diagnostic radiologists, 1 pathologist, 1oncologist dentistry and 5 prosthodontics and 4 ophthalmology. 3. Why is M. D. Anderson considering a new endocrine center? Does the idea make sense? M. D. Anderson Cancer Center was considering a new endocrine center in order to focus about clinical care and research in an endocrinology and how the efforts can been fragmented. Due to endocrine disorders are complex and involve various body parts and processes of the body which balance hormones in the human body.

With various specialists’endocrinologists, surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, pathologists, neuro- radiologists, nuclear medicine physicians and a specially trained support staff to provide coordinate care to the patients. 4. How can M. D. Anderson’s interdisciplinary care model be improved? M. D Anderson’s interdisciplinary care model can be improved through research and there is always scope for improvement everywhere and at any time. It should also work with other hospitals and specialists so they can be contacted when there is emergency.

Starting a medical school and in house residents who have good experience while studying and having an insight how to handle situations when in need. 5. How can the M. D. Anderson interdisciplinary care model be extended to other people across America?

The MDACC should have expanded its facilities and open more branchesall over United States. This center should implement programs which involve community awareness about cancer and the various benefits ofhealth checkups like mammograms in case of breast cancer and various other tests.If moremultidisciplinary care centers are developed it would be helpful for patients like Ledina Lushko can be saved. (Jain, Porter, Akrouh, and Daly, 2010).

References Porter, M. E. & Teisberg, E. O. (2006). Redefining Health Care: Creating value-based competition on results. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Porter, M. E. , and S. H. Jain. 2008. “The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: Interdisciplinary Care. ” Case 708487-PDF-ENG. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

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