Masters health administration

I have come to a point in life that many people have not.  I have made a firm decision to recommit myself to pursuing my dreams.  While there are those who believe that with an ounce of luck and a ton of persistence anything can be accomplished, I believe that there is no reason to expend so much energy and rely on luck.  I believe in taking hold of my destiny and carving out a future for myself based on the decisions that I make in life.  Life is simply too short and too precious to be left to luck alone.  As such, I would like to firmly express my desire to enter the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health.

have always wanted to help change the world.  As a child, I believed that if everyone did their own little part in taking that extra step to help others, the world would be a much better place for everyone.  The stark reality of it all hit me not long after that but it did not lessen my resolve.  I figured that if so many people I knew did not want to do their part in changing the world then I would probably have to do their share.  This is where my motivation to pursue nursing comes from; the drive to go the extra mile just to make a difference in this world.

There are few jobs and professions that are as rewarding as Health Policy and Administration.  While other jobs may get more publicity, the role that those in the medical profession play in the health care industry is highly valued and appreciated.  My motivation has to do with the fact that this is one of the ways by which I am able to do something that I really want to do in my life and that is to care and help other people.  More importantly, I greatly feel that by taking up my masters in Health Policy and Administration I will be able to proceed with my plans in life.

I am confident that this is the proper step for me due to the experience that I developed when I participated in various non-academic activities such as sports, arts, and fraternity service.  I was pushed to my limit as I was compelled to balance my time for studies and being part of the rowing varsity team, dance group and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity. My involvement in those activities stimulated my leadership potential, trained me to network with various agencies and allowed me to render my volunteer services at the Rape Crisis Center, Ronald McDonald house, PTA Thrift Shop, and Relay for Life.  These activities strengthened my passion to be of service to people who are in need of social services.

Having a solid background in science, mathematics, statistics and research provided me with a foundation for advance study. My work experience as a Process Specialist in Organon Teknika strengthened my work and organization skills since it allowed me to apply my educational knowledge in chemistry, biology, research and statistics to effectively perform my work in the pharmaceutical company. I have also gained experience in adhering to the strict regulatory guidelines set by the Food and Drugs Administration that would assure the public that our drugs are painstakingly researched and tested. My current job has also honed my skills in managing and training interns and other employees.

This was the factor that set the field of Health Policy and Administration apart from the other careers in the medical field.  The human involvement that is critical in Health Policy and Administration makes it the ideal profession for me.  The remunerations that one can receive from being in this field are only secondary to the feeling of fulfillment from knowing that one was able to provide support to those in need.  These experiences that I took with me during my time in the hospital shaped my future and opened my eyes to the benefits that a career in Health Policy and Administration can provide.

Pursuing my career in this field is just the first step in my plan.  Much like Nurse Leader Mary Breckenridge has done, I too want to be just more than an administrator.  I would like to have the opportunity to take a bigger role in making the world a better place to live.  My main philosophy in life is to lead by setting an example. I cannot expect others to do what I myself would be willing to do but that does not mean that I cannot hope that others will see the example that I have shown them.  This philosophy is one of the many forces that drive me to pursue my dream of pursuing a career in Health Policy and Administration and of becoming so much more in life.  The chance to help those who are less fortunate in life, the chance to help others, the opportunity to be of service to humanity; these are the reasons why I have selected this as the profession that I will pursue; for, as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams…”


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