Master of health administration

            Stedman Graham, the best selling author, public speaker and entrepreneur said, “When you have a sense of your own identity and a vision of where you want to go in your life, you then have the basis for reaching out to the world and going after your dreams for a better life.”  I have envisioned a better healthcare system for my country when I had a direct experience in health care provisions and medical insurance as a result of my hospital confinement due to injuries and medical treatment. In those days, I have witnessed the plight of the underprivileged patients who do not have access to health insurance. I also began to understand the dilemma of the nurses and other health care workers who hardly receive credit for their services. It was due to these early exposures and my desire to administer a hospital or pharmaceutical company that confirmed my plan to pursue a career in health administration.

            My leadership skill that is required for the administrative position was developed when I participated in various non-academic activities in sports, arts, and fraternity service. I was pushed to my limit as I was compelled to balance my time for studies and being part of the rowing varsity team, dance group and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity. My involvement in those activities stimulated my leadership potential, trained me to network with various agencies and allowed me to render my volunteer services at the Rape Crisis Center, Ronald McDonald house, PTA Thrift Shop, and Relay for Life. These activities strengthened my passion to be of service to people who are in need of social services.

            Having a solid background in science, mathematics, statistics and research provided me with a foundation for an advance study. My work experience as a Process Specialist in Organon Teknika strengthened my work and organization skills as I applied my educational knowledge in chemistry, biology, research and statistics to effectively perform my work in the pharmaceutical company. I have also gained experience in adhering to the strict regulatory guidelines set by the Food and Drugs Administration that would assure the public that our drugs are painstakingly researched and tested. My current job has also honed my skills in managing and training interns and other employees.

            In my exposure in the pharmaceutical industry and my constant readings about health care issues, I have thought about Medicare, healthcare insurance coverage, State policies, patients’ rights, medical practices, and hospital management decisions that affect the delivery of healthcare services. These are few of the many concerns in the healthcare system that is being addressed by all sectors. My awareness of these issues, my educational background and professional work are not sufficient to help me plan, direct, coordinate and manage the delivery of healthcare in a complex environment. Hence, I would like to pursue a Graduate degree in Health Administration that would help me deal with the daily operations, integration of health care delivery systems, technological innovations, and restructuring of work that would improve the quality of health services.

            Earning a Masters degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health would provide me with a deeper knowledge about hospital structure and management, health economics, strategic planning, law and ethics, biostatics, epidemiology, budgeting, environmental health, human resource management, and leadership. These knowledge and practices are vital for the efficient administration of healthcare services. My passion in helping those who are in need of various services will not begin and end in pursuing a graduate degree. My commitment to serve will be strengthened when I spearhead an organization that would not only offer the best medical treatment to patients but would also give importance and credit to the services of all health workers.  My determination to achieve my dreams and my dedication to my profession will inspire me to excel in my graduate studies and contribute to the improvement of the healthcare system in my country.

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