Massage therapy

            Passion is a motivating factor for most people, and I am not any different. I believe that aside from being a driven person towards my passion, the healing arts, I am adept and I am willing to learn.

            Massage therapy has inflicted in me a certain curiosity that until now I seem to not get rid of. People who have been feeling stressed out and really exhausted get a massage and they come back rejuvenated and relaxed, something that I thought only medications and lots of sleep can do. But if a person can supposedly heal another with just a stroke of the palm, then I would want to know how to do it.

            I know that it takes more than curiosity and passion to learn, because the healing arts deal with people. I should also know how to show respect, patience and understanding. Each individual’s need is unique, and I know that I am flexible enough when dealing with each person. Providing my knowledge and services to those who need it is a challenge and at the same time a satisfaction for me. I know that it will be a hard task, but I want to be able to prove to myself that I can cater to each and everybody’s needs, and learning the massage therapy can train me in doing so. I also find satisfaction in being able to help other people. There is a glimmer of happiness that I see in a person’s eyes that I tend to cherish deeply, most especially if I know I was able to give them that glimmer.

            I know I have yet to prove my capabilities and my worthiness, not only to other people but most especially to myself. I find it hard for others to praise you and give you that much credit if you do not feel that you are worthy. I know and I truly believe that if I will be given the chance to prove all of these in massage therapy, I will excel. I have the passion, the drive and the willingness to learn and incorporate all of these for people’s satisfaction and for my own also.

Non-specific low back pain is one of the most common muscular-skeletal issues reported by patients/clients seeking pain relief. Massage therapy is recognized in clinical practice as an effective treatment. However, the Massage Therapy Foundation is always looking for scientific evidence …

Shiatsu is a type of massage therapy; it relives pain and enhances the flow of energy through the body’s energy pathways by applying gentle finger and hand pressure in the specific points of the body. Shiatsu’s practice is now noticeably …

            In the realm of hospitality industry, the determination and passion to serve has always been the main criteria towards success. Without this, such endeavor remains half-hearted and can create an impact towards the clientele. Realizing this, one must have …

Depression has been around since the beginning of recorded history, same with massage. There was King David and Job from the Bible who suffered from this affliction. Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, referred to depression as melancholia, which literally means …

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