Massage theraphy school admission

            In the realm of hospitality industry, the determination and passion to serve has always been the main criteria towards success. Without this, such endeavor remains half-hearted and can create an impact towards the clientele. Realizing this, one must have the dedication and will to adequately address the demands of these occupations. It is with this that I wish to present my intention to apply for a career in massage therapy.

            There are different factors that motivated me to pursue this course. One reason is that massage therapy is important in our daily lives due to its contribution on every individual’s body and the way it provides relaxation and relief from stress. Also, I come to believe that good health does not only permeate on the inside but also on how we treat the external part of our body. This is one way we keep a balanced state from both the inside and the outside.

            Another element important towards my decision is my willingness to be of service to other people. Through the years, I had engaged myself in various volunteer groups to cater people’s needs. Looking at my experience, I am part of the Rotaract Club of Grenada, a world renowned non-profit organization consisting of young professionals between the ages of 18-35 years. This has introduced me the real definition of service and it helped me become more responsible young professionals in today’s society.

            Though I really do not have the sufficient professional experience in the field, I have had practice on friends and family members to get better acquainted with the techniques used in this field. Seeing all of these, I do hope that you consider my application to your degree. Not only shall it be beneficial towards my career path in life, but it will also serve as better avenues of service to others. Given your capability to provide skills and training and my passion and dedication, I can grow holistically and use this towards the betterment of other people. My name is Rosa Strachan; a proud and future massage therapist.

            Passion is a motivating factor for most people, and I am not any different. I believe that aside from being a driven person towards my passion, the healing arts, I am adept and I am willing to learn.             …

There are different things in life that make the road more memorable. For the longest time, I struggled and worked hard to fulfill my dreams. However, I still deemed it necessary to go out of my way to be of …

Non-specific low back pain is one of the most common muscular-skeletal issues reported by patients/clients seeking pain relief. Massage therapy is recognized in clinical practice as an effective treatment. However, the Massage Therapy Foundation is always looking for scientific evidence …

Depression has been around since the beginning of recorded history, same with massage. There was King David and Job from the Bible who suffered from this affliction. Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician, referred to depression as melancholia, which literally means …

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