Manual Handling: a Reflection

Three years and a few months ago, I can still recall the memories of being a nursing student, I was studying in a university wherein our professor taught us a lot of things in the field of the health care profession. One of the lessons they taught to us is about Manual Handling. When the topic was introduced to us, the first thing that came to my mind is that manual handling is all about how to lift or transfer a patient from one place to another (for example: bed to chair).

But then, when my clinical instructor started the lecture, I’ve come to realized that manual handling does not only mean carrying, lifting, or transferring a patient from place to place. It also involves carrying, lifting or transferring loads. Loads are grouped into two: inanimate and animate. Inanimate objects include patient’s cabinet, books or boxes. Animate objects are the patients. But the first priority for manual handling is safety- safety for both patients and for the health care provider as well.

Since manual handling involves the use of the human body, it may include a high risk for injury because sometimes it may involve heavy labor such as lifting, pushing, pulling and pivoting. These activities may pose the risk of injury to the back of the shoulders and upper limbs. To prevent these injuries, certain manual handling techniques were taught to us. One principle that is very basic is to bend on your knees and not on your back.

In lifting things, you should place the load close to the body, use diagonal foot position or foot apart and move loads at waist height than directly to the floor. In pushing or pulling, it is important to use both the arms and the legs to provide the leverage to start the position . When moving continuously, handlers are safer when pivoting their shoulders, hips and feet with the load in front at all times rather than twisting their back as these may cause back pains since the lower back is not designed for repetitive twisting.

When I was working before I had this second training, I was so hesitant and don’t have much confidence in transferring my patient from his bed to his wheelchair or on assisting him to stand or move around since my knowledge was not updated yet and knowing that some of the equipments here in this country are new to me and I have not encountered nor used them before. I want to ensure the safety of my clients that’s why I really want to have ots of training that could upgrade my knowledge and taught me better skills in this health care profession. When I went to the college, they told us that we will have another training regarding Manual handling. I am so excited since this is the moment that I have been waiting for. And thank God we did have our second training in manual handling here. (Since my first training I attended was held in my country- Philippines)

During my training here in Northbrook College, I’ve learned that employers must provide a workplace where workers are not exposed to hazards in their workplace so they should provide adequate information to their employees regarding safety in manual handling by providing them trainings and supervision to workers so they can work in a safe manner. It is also taught that it is better if manual handling is done in collaborative approach where two or more people are involved in the procedure to reduce the risk of injury and make the load lighter as well.

Some equipments like the hoist, turning blanket,wheelchair and the like are helpful to lessen the load and make things or person lighter and easier to carry, lift, and transfer them from place to place. It was my first time here in the United kingdom to have encountered and have used the hoist. When I looked at it, it looks like that it would be difficult to handle or use it to our patients. But when our instructor here in Northbrook college, it’s not really difficult at all.

We just have to read the labels first if that hoist was checked by the people if its safe to use or if it is damaged and cannot be used already. It may be uncomfortable to the patients who were using the hoist. So we have to reassure them that they will safe and that the hoist will help them stand up while we do their nursing care to them like giving a wash or a bath or changing pads to those people who needs assistance in standing well. Caring for people is a fulfilling thing to do.

But it is not an easy job. It entails a lot of hardwork, determination and patience in providing bedside care or in assisting them with their activities of daily living most specially to the older people since you have to be very careful in caring for them because they are too fragile and they can get pain easily. Having this training is very helpful to me as a care assistant because it has taught me how to care for patients and transfer them to a certain place like in the wheelchair safely.

I have to be certain in everything that I do that I will be able to provide safety and comfort to them. The technologies being used here in the health care environment is not the same with the technologies or instruments that we have been using in my country. You can rarely see a hoist in my country. That’s why I am so thankful to have this training once again because it has updated my knowledge and provided me adequate effective skills.

I am more confident now in using these instruments and in helping people to stand up, change position or transfer them since I have more knowledge, and have a better skill when it comes to using these updated technologies and in transferring or assisting my patients. And I also learn now how to prevent having an injury to myself like back pains since certain techniques were taught to us. It would be better as well if it would be a collaborative procedure in assisting patient or moving loads depending too on the situation or the case of the person.

Ive also come to realize that it is not good to lift a person specially drag lifting. As a person working in the health care environment, we should be sensitive enough to meet the safety of our patient and at the same time provide comfort as well. We should also be certain that we are safe too in this profession. We should apply what we have learned from this training because this has provided us lots of benefits and also to our clients.

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