Manic Depression

Everybody gets sad and depressed, especially those who are going through a tough time in their lives. Breaking up with a relationship partner, boredom and getting burned out from work, or dealing with someone’s death are all potential causes of depression. Everyone has his own share of ups and downs. How, then, is manic depression different from this when this condition is characterized by an extreme feeling of happiness one minute, and feeling totally down the next? What is Bipolar disorder or manic depression?

Manic depression or manic depressive illness, also widely known as bipolar, refers to a brain disorder causing a person to experience uncommon shifts in his ability to function. The condition also causes peculiar changes in a person’s energy and mood. Changes in mood become qualified as a brain disorder once the changes are destructive. Destructive, in this case, means experiencing suicidal tendencies, performing poorly in school or at work, or destroying relationships with other people.

Manic depression prohibits a person from being productive and from functioning normally as an individual (Klein and Wender, 2005, p. 67). In the United States, about 5. 7 million adults are suffering from manic depression. Out of the whole population of the US, 2. 6 percent are experiencing this disorder, most of which have ages ranging from 18 and above. This condition develops more commonly as a person goes through early adulthood or adolescence, although this is not to say that no child develops this disorder early in their lives.

The symptoms just start to manifest and become more obvious as they grow older (Klein and Wender, 2005, p. 67). Manic depression is usually not considered an illness. Before an individual is diagnosed and is given proper therapies and treatment, he usually suffers the condition for a couple of years. It is a long-term disorder which has to be manages with utmost caution because like heart disease or diabetes, the situation may get worst if left unattended (Klein and Wender, 2005, p. 67).

This type of disorder is calling for attention and early detection since it is damaging. The thoughts and moods of an individual are distorted. He usually does not feel motivated to go on with his life, hence the suicidal tendencies. His basis of rational thinking is also ruined and his behaviors are ruined. It is known through research that manic depression has biological roots, although the experience is purely psychological.

Different cases of manic depression have resulted to suicide albeit its uniqueness in consulting pleasure and advantage (Klein and Wender, 2005, p. 67). Manic depression affects both sexes and usually runs in the family. The main reason why the needs of a patient have to be attended is because it makes the patient suffer a big deal. Aside from that, the patient can also potential damage the lives of those who are in his immediate family circle, including the caregivers providing care for him (Klein and Wender, 2005, p. 67).

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