Managed Care in Emergency Services

Logically, all patients should have an equal access to EMS. This is also true in managed care. This comprises the equipment and resources needed in caring for all emergencies. In relation to this policy, emergency physicians and other medical personnel should provide every possible treatment for the emergency patient despite his or her financial status. This includes of a comprehensive geographic coverage of the communities best served by the EMS.

In turn, MCO’s or Managed Care Organizations should define these inclusive necessities of each Emergency Medical Service such as EMS coverage of all communities and aid to the proper utilization of the EMS system. Finally, every service provided should have proper performance measures coming from emergency physicians and MCOs (Managed Care Principles, 1997). In this aspect, leadership and management may be further distinguished.

Whereas the EMS manager will just ensure compliance to the performance management system, laying down measures and tracking progress, the leader will spell out his vision for the EMS unit, inspire his followers and perhaps instigate an EMS advocacy. His role goes beyond that of an administrator, to someone who inspires passion among his constituents. Health Promotion on Emergency Medical Services

This responsibility of educating patients comes from Managed Care Organizations in reference to access and utilization of the services. If there is unencumbered access by emergency patients concerning MCO pre-authorization, there should be allowed access. MCOs should also give appropriate information on utilization of emergency medical services in verbal and written forms.

Information after office hours should be available through phone by physicians or advice coming from nurses (Managed Care Principles, 1997). Again, the EMS leader would not only keep track of education programs related to EMS but would strive to influence his team to uphold this advocacy with passion. In doing so, subordinates would exhibit behaviors that go beyond the requirements of the job. Moreover, he may also mentor EMS staff, serving as an example of leadership that they will find worth emulating.

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