Male Nurses, Female Detectives

Discrimination has been described as the handling of a person or a group of people with prejudice. This prejudice is normally supported by certain behavioral traits or characteristics that are considered out of the common set of characteristics that are associated with people classified as normal. Discrimination can be for or against someone or a certain group of people. When it is for it is always meant to ensure that the group that is facing the discrimination is being accorded some kind of preferential treatment and this is likely to improve their condition.

In other words, the group experiencing the discrimination is being treated affirmatively. The most prominent examples of groups that have benefited from affirmative action are the women and youth. The other form of discrimination is the negative form of discrimination and it is the most common form of discrimination in the world today. Here, people are subjected to biased and prejudiced treatment in an unfair and hurtful sense primarily because of their uncommon characteristics.

Negative discrimination has been witnessed in areas of age, race, gender, religion, family status, military status, sexual orientation, body size, nation of origin, the shape of one’s body and disability. These aspects are picked by the perpetrators of discrimination and compared to those of other people under unchanged circumstances. The world as it is today has so many documented and undocumented cases of men who have had to endure untold suffering emanating from discrimination against them as a result of their gender and compared to their choice of profession which in this case, is nursing.

It is not uncommon to see people; both men and women, getting puzzled when a man comes out and introduces his chosen profession as nursing. The mindset of the society is that nursing is a profession meant for women and it therefore should be a no-go zone for men. On a similar note, it is not taken so lightly when it is found that women are taking part in detective work. It is considered a man’s world and women who dare venture into this prohibited territory need thick skin due to the rough and hostile terrain therein.

Detective work is closely connected to police work and the kind of discrimination witnessed against women officers in the police is not any different from the kind of discrimination that women detectives go through. The difference would be the fact that recently there has been a dramatic rise in the number of women who have taken up jobs in the police force and even in the armed forces and this has led to reduced discrimination against female police officers.

This research paper will carry out an orderly comparison of discrimination against males in the field of nursing and the discrimination of women in detective work. This comparison will be done by looking at a specific aspect on both sides for example reasons for female dominance in nursing followed by a comprehensive presentation of the reasons for male dominance in detective work. Remedies for this professional discrepancies are suggested and a precise conclusion drawn.

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