Main aspects of fitness

Was the programme at the right level for you? I believe the programme was at the right level for me as I worked with great intensity in all of the training sessions as I was out of breath once I had finished each session. The training sessions were just enough to overload my body system. /2 Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why   why not. The exercises where in the right order, because if I would do something that involves running and then running again I would find it difficult. But instead I done the cone to line first then done some sit ups.

Explain how you applied the principles of progression/overload. I applied the principles of progression and overload by using FITT principle. I increased the intensity of my training. /2 Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. The exercises were correct as far as I was concerned. The exercises I chose were specially chosen to help me with cricket. I could have done some continuous training also. Performing Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain how you applied the principles of

progression/overload. I applied the principles of progression and overload by using FITT principle. I increased the intensity of my training. /2 Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. Some which I found easy did start to get boring such as high catches. I think I should have swapped around the types of training a little more. I could have done some continuous training.Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)? I found it quite hard to manage and record, because I didn’t heart rate monitor.

Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. The exercises where in the right order, because if I would do something that involves running and then running again I would find it difficult. But instead I done the cone to line first then done some sit ups. Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? I found the programme hard, but on the bright side it was very interesting and a enjoyable challenge. I know when I have worked to my limit because I start to sweat a lot and run out of breath. /2 Monitoring

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Were the exercises/ activities the correct ones to choose? Explain why/why not. Some which I found easy did start to get boring such as high catches. I think I should have swapped around the types of training a little more. I could have done some continuous training. /2 Were the exercises in the correct order? Explain why/why not. The exercises where in the right order, because if I would do something that involves running and then running again I would find it difficult.

But instead I done the cone to line first then done some sit ups.Did you make any changes to your programme? Explain why you did/did not do so. I didn’t have to make any changes to the programme as I planned my programme correctly. I made sure that my training would improve me.  Explain the effects performing had on you in any of the 5 sessions. There were a lot of affects; I could do more exercises than I could do before. Secondly I lost 6 pounds in weight. Thirdly I can throw the ball much further my stamina has improved a lot.

Were the results you achieved what you expected? Explain why this was/was not the case Yes the results were exactly as I predicted as I stuck to my training programme. I applied to the principles of the FITT. I did not suffer any injuries whilst participating in the programme, but I did suffer a injury as I fell down the stairs. /2 Final evaluation Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Refer to your post test scores  Was the programme easy to manage (set up, do, record progress etc)?

I found it quite hard to manage and record, because I didn’t heart rate monitor.  Explain what progress or improvements you have made as a result of completing the programme. The improvements which I can notice are that I feel like I have a lot more energy than before. I can throw the ball from further and much accurately. Did you enjoy it and work to your limit? How do you know? I found the programme hard, but on the bright side it was very interesting and a enjoyable challenge. I know when I have worked to my limit because I start to sweat a lot and run out of breath.

I fee that all my exercises went well, and gave me a good set of end resuts. My stamina stayed the same, my reaction time worsened, along with my power, however my coordination and agility improved. Evaluation Planning Make comments to explain the …

Purpose/aim of the programme. Personal fitness profile. Explain how fit you think you are, and if you have any injuries or health problems. Outline how much physical activity you get in a typical week. State what targets you expect to achieve …

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Explain the fitness test result(s) you achieved before you started your training programme My pre test was multistage and 1achived level 7. 1 I am not pleased …

Make comments to explain the statements/questions in the first column (max 6 marks) Did you plan the programme at the right level? I felt my training programme did push to me to my ability but I could have been a bit harder …

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