Lyme Disease

When you go out to the park, or even your backyard, you are exposed to ticks. Ticks are small arachnids, which are joint-legged invertebrate animals. They live off of the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Furthermore, you may or may not know that Lyme disease is most frequently detected in rodent-feeding vector ticks (“Ticks”). There was a tremendous outbreak of Lyme in 1975- in its hometown of Lyme, Connecticut-when it was classified as a new disease (“Lyme disease History”). This disease was realized as a tick-borne illness in 1978, but in 1981 Willy Burgdorfer found the cause to this mystery.

Dr. Burgdorfer’s research concerned the interactions between animal and human disease agents and their transmitting arthropod vectors, particularly ticks, fleas and mosquitoes (“Burgdorfer”). The first case of Lyme was reported in 1883, when a scientist called it a degenerative skin disorder (“Lyme disease History”). Between 1920 and 1934, the disease is found to be associated with neurological problems, psychiatric problems, and showed the appearance of EM or ACA. IN 1970, Rudolph Scrimenti, professor of dermatology, publishes reports of the rash.

Later on in 1975, it was officially a recognized disease and more and more people started to become diagnosed. It is most often implied that these “diseased ticks” came over form European countries on ships. And then spread across North America over time (“Lyme disease History”). Since Lyme disease is the most common tick-carried infection in North America, we should take precaution and inform others about this disease so we can start the prevention process. According to Ohio State University, Lyme disease is a biosafety level two.

A biosafety level is the “level of the bio-containment precautions required to isolate dangerous biological agents in an enclosed facility” (“Biosafety”). These levels range from the lowest-level1- to the highest-level 2-. This is considering that the BSL 2 (Biosafety level two) is a “risk group that contains biological agents that pose moderate risk to personnel and the environment”. This claims that with effective treatment and safety measures, treatments are available when this infection occurs. But typically, the BSL 2 is various bacteria and viruses that cause human disease.

They are mild diseases, not severe. For example; Mycobacterium, Streptococcus pneumonia, Salmonella choleraesuis. These are genetically modified organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (“GMO”). In addition, not everybody accesses the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. This is because each individual has a unique blood stream. The most common signs and symptoms of Lyme are that you are not feeling well, you are experiencing the chills, running a fever, feeling lethargic, and having muscle pains (Monroe 22).

More severe signs or symptoms are loss of control of face muscles and irregular heartbeat. You should pay close attention and look out for these symptoms between May and September. During these months of the year is when the Deer and Tick Cycle take place. This is the cycle of the tick growth and how it transports from animal to animal, also from animal to human. If you are experiencing some of the symptoms, you should probably go to your doctor and have a blood test done. In a blood test, it can check and see if any of the bacteria is located in your blood stream (Monroe 28).

If so, the next step is a physical exam. This is when a doctor checks your skin for rashes and your blood pressure. Therefore, if you are experiencing the signs and symptoms of this disease go see your doctor, because “over 155,000 cases of Lyme disease have been reported in the United States since 1982” (Monroe 30). Cases are steadily increasing across the nation. Under the circumstance that you are diagnosed with BSL 2 Lyme disease, you may want to look into the treatment options. The treatments aren’t going under surgery, or a medical procedure, it’s usually just a tick vaccine or antibiotics.

It may take weeks, months, or even a year to recover. Lyme disease is rarely fatal, and the treatments aim at complete recovery. According to Judy Monroe, antibiotic drugs are the main treatment for Lyme disease. And the treatment plans vary from person to person because each individual is different. Although after being treated, you may experience some repulsive side effects. These include diarrhea, constipation, stomach upset, stomach cramps, and loss of appetite, headache, and sensitivity to sunlight (Monroe 32).

After being treated, you shouldn’t be too excited because this bacterium is known to disappear and come back into your bloodstream (Monroe 34). Somehow it hides in your body and doctors can’t seem to find it. This makes treatment for Lyme not always simple and affective. However, Lyme disease is preventable. According to Monroe, the best way to avoid Lyme disease is to stay away from ticks. This may sound hard, but there are simple ways to avoid them. To carry out the prevention process, consider wearing proper clothing while visiting tick infested areas.

For example; closed toe shoes, long pants, long sleeved tops, a hat or a scarf are suggested. In addition, you can use a spray on tick repellent, kind-of like mosquito spray, but for ticks. Ticks tend to feed during warmer months during the year, and prefer tall grass areas. Specimens of these areas are; the woods, shrubs, uncut yards, and even your backyard. They are attracted to these specific areas due to the fact that their most famous hosts live in these areas; field mice and deer. This is how the tick goes from animal to human. Dogs and other larger pets can host ticks.

This aspires that it is quiet easy for the tick to get to you. They can transport when you are petting your dog, or climb up your leg or arm from the dog being on your lap. Once they are on you, you are in danger of being diagnosed with Lyme disease, because you don’t know if the tick that is now using you as its host. Also, the tick may carry the Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria (this is the agent of Lyme disease). If you find the tick on your body, make sure you remove it as soon as possible. Also, if you believe it is necessary, bring it into your doctor (to be sent to a lap) to be tested for the agent.

Now, you don’t have to be a freak about avoiding ticks, but it is safe and suggested to take precautions (Monroe). Along with preventing from being diagnosed with Lyme, there are some safety and first aid tips that you should know. In the first place, you should check your pet daily when coming indoors. It isn’t hurtful to check, it just keeps it clear in the air that there aren’t any mutant life forms on your pet. Also, if you have been outside, wondering around in the woods, or even in your back yard, check your hair, scalp, neck, ears, and behind your knees for ticks.

This will help you clarify that you have very slim chances of being diagnosed. If you are ever checking your body or your pet, and you just so happen to come across a tick, remove it right away. It is suggested to remove a tick by using tweezers. After it has been removed, cover the affected area with a cotton ball or swab that has been soaked in hydrogen peroxide. Some people have brought in the ticks to see if they have Lyme or have just burned them. Burning a tick is the only known way to actually kill it successfully (Monroe).

Ultimately, the outbreak and diagnose of Lyme disease in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut changed the way Americans look at ticks. In this moment in time, we know more about this diseases’ bacteria agent and what it is capable of. Lyme disease is an infectious disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that live in some ticks. This disease can spread form tick to tick, from animal to animal, and animal to human. In our case, this isn’t good because we have a chance of being diagnosed with this tick-borne illness. We also know that this is preventable with specific treatments.

Now that we educate the youth about this disease, have recognized signs and symptoms, have found ways to treat this disease, how to prevent it, and to take safety measures. There is a less chance of being diagnosed with Lyme. All in all, next time you are outside, make sure you are watching out for those disease carrying mutants! . Works Cited “Biosafety Levels” Academic Marion. Ohio State University. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. http://academic. marion. ohio-state. edu/sciencefair/BSL. htm “Congressman” Congressman Joe Wilson in South Carolina hospital. Reuters Health e-Line. Web. 26 Nov. 2011. http://ic. galegroup.

com/ic/suic/NewsDetailsPage/NewsDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=News&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CA273027179&mode=view “DNA” DNA of “Black Death” Decoded. The World Book Encyclopedia. Web. 24 Nov. 2011. http://www. worldbook. com/making-headlines/item/959-dna-of-black-death-decoded “Burgdofer, Dr. ” Willy Burgdofer. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 23 Nov 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Willy_Burgdorfer “GALE” Lyme disease. The Gale Encyclopedia of Science.

Web. 25 Nov. 2011. http://ic. galegroup. com/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CCV2644031336&mode=view “GMO” Genetically modified organisms. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 24 Nov.

2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Genetically_modified_organism “Lyme disease” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 4 Nov. 2011. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Lyme_disease “Lyme disease History” Brown. Brown Education. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. http://www. brown. edu/Courses/Bio_160/Projects2005/lyme_disease/history. htm.

When you go out to the park, or even your backyard, you are exposed to ticks. Ticks are small arachnids, which are joint-legged invertebrate animals. They live off of the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Furthermore, you may or …

Lyme disease is an illness that is caused by a spirochete bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected ticks. Ixodes dammini, which is the deer tick, is located in the northwest and Midwest region …

Introduction & Symptoms | Causes & Treatments | Recommended Web Sites Lyme disease is transmitted by tiny ticks of the Ixodidae family and afflicts about 10,000 people yearly. Initially identified in a group of children in Lyme, Conn. , the …

Lyme disease is a tick-borne systemic infection cause by a spiral organism, Borrelia burgdorferi, characterized by neurologic, joint, and cardiac manifestations. Lyme disease is carried by a tiny tick. It begins with a bite and a rash that can be …

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