Love Is a Good Medicine

Medical Doctor and Author Dean Ornish wrote: “Love and intimacy are at a root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing”. This shows that Love is a powerful one. The form of Love mentioned is not the sexual kind which of course has it’s own place. Rather it is a richer and more long lasting love which is not passive in the sense of receiving it, but active in the sense of showing it. This kind of Love is what we called a good medicine.

Love maybe the cause of all the hurts, loneliness, griefs and many more you have felt, yet it will be the reason too of the satisfaction and peacefulness you acquire in the mind and heart after being relieved and healed from the pain of all your sufferings. If Love could only be manufactured through machine and be stored in capsule caps for easy distribution, all of us would be very glad. How I wish a new drug like Love could be made as medicine. It would then be very easy to cure patient. After all, my imaginations are still far from reality. What we can do for today is to start Love from ourselves.

How nice it feels to be loved yet it’s more overwhelming to give and share Love to everyone. You could never describe the kind of happiness you feel as you have touch their lives and help healed their broken hearts. We know in ourselves tat we are nothing without Love from God, Parents, Brothers and Sisters, Relatives, Friends, and some Special People. It’s their Love that inspires us to go on the journey of life despite the hindrances and obstacles we encountered. A Good Medicine that strengthens one’s determination to stand up and continue the quest of Life.

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