Lourdesville Nursing Home

We propose to build a nursing home in north county Dublin in order to provide a service for elderly people who are unable to live in the community. As shown in the following report we have found startling figures regarding the expected increase in the Irish population – by 2050 there will be over 1 million Irish people over the age of 65. The government has reneged on countless promises to provide adequate care for the elderly but these needs are just not being met. Our superior service will be aimed at the A and upper B type consumer.

Many services such as aromatherapy and will be provided in order to make the guest feels as comfortable as possible. There are 5 principals each with a 20 % share in the company. As it is quite a profitable venture, it is estimated that profits of approximately i?? 100,000. Our nursing coverage is excellent with a nurse on call 24 hours a day. As seen in our financial report, staffing accounts for a large proportion of our costs. This is normal according to the Irish Nursing Homes Association.

Skerries Nursing Home is a purpose built Nursing Home in a country setting. We provide full care for elderly people; we are surrounded by large gardens, with ample car parking facilities for residents and their guests. Our services include convalescence and respite care. Skerries Nursing Home is located in the hart of Skerries Village and is close to all amenities including shops, restaurants churches, parks, community centre etc. Activities include crafts, bingo, musical evenings, occupational therapy etc.

There is also a small library and a quiet room in the Home. The secluded gardens provide ample walking areas for residents, and patients confined to wheelchairs are brought for walks and can enjoy the beautiful shrubs and flowers. There are currently 455 registered nursing homes in Ireland catering for over 15,000 people. It is anticipated that demand for beds is set to double over the next 25 years. Therefore, in the year 2029 there will be a demand for at least 30,000 nursing home places.

According to the Irish Nursing Home Service’s annual report due to the recent health service cut backs, the government is stalling on these plans. Instead many elderly people who would be perfectly well looked after in a nursing home environment are staying in hospital. At present it is difficult to find a bed in sheltered accommodation such as we offer. In fact having conducted an investigation we found that the average waiting time for a bed in a nursing home within the Dublin area is approximately two months.

According to an RTE report (27 January 2004) there are presently 337 people occupying hospital beds who would be better cared for in nursing home accommodation. These 337 beds constitute 10% of the country’s 3330 hospital beds. This is a preferred option of the government due to the fact that hospital beds are fixed costs whereas nursing homes come under local authority management. With the population set to age over the next 25 years, it is our prediction (and that of the nursing home service of Ireland) that demand for nursing home facilities will rise dramatically.

At present it is difficult to find a bed in a nursing home such as we offer. In fact, having conducted an investigation we found that the average waiting time for a bed in a nursing home within the Dublin area is approximately two months. The demand for nursing home facilities will double within the next 25 years. An increased awareness of the health and welfare of the elderly (Saint Vincent de Paul) has been developed over the last decades. Furthermore there has been an increase in voluntary health insurance schemes such as VHI and Government tax incentives.

As a result of the change of culture – the pressures of modern life added to the break down of the family unit, has resulted in an increased acceptance of nursing homes in Ireland. The average age of residents will rise as the community ages. Average age of residents received will be approximately 62 years. Since 1960 the trend has been to move from cities to rural or suburban settings due to its warmer climate and recreational opportunities (Fuguitt and Beale, 11/93, Journal of Gerontology).

Our nursing home will be affiliated with the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland. We will also members of the Federation of Irish Nursing Homes and registered with the Northern Area Health Authority, as we have located our nursing home in Skerries. The home will cater for geriatric and disabled patients such as residents with mild dementia, the visually impaired, and those who are immobile or simply the ones who need convalescence. In order to cater for all residents’ needs, we will offer a wide range of services such as: Professional medical services:

(Doctor, nurses and care workers will work on a twenty-four hour basis. ) All residents can consult the local practitioner or they are most welcome to use their own doctor. Nurses and care workers will be assisting on a twenty-four hour shift, (medical assistance and general care). A chiropodist, a reflexologyst, aroma therapist and a hairdresser will come once a month. Weekly mass and communion attended by the Catholic Church in our local chapel. Furthermore there will be the possibility to bring our guests and collect them on Sundays.

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