Long Term Healthcare Services

            Long Term Care (LTC) services are grounded on the fact that aging is an expected process which promotes the importance of availing services to the elderly for medical support and assistance that are highly needed in the latter parts of life. Aside from elderly services, LTC services also include medial support and assistance to individuals who were afflicted with illnesses and who suffered from mishaps such as accidents. Therefore, the primary objective of LTC services is to provide medical assistance and support to individuals who do not have the ability or capacity to nurture themselves. (LTC, 2007) The inquiry that needs to be addressed about LTC in this case is grounded on the scenario that majority of family members personally take care of their elderly in their houses, while at the same time balancing this responsibility with their occupational obligations.

            With this particular scenario in mind, the questions are what implications does it present to employers and what appropriate policies should be implemented in order to address the needs and concerns of employees who provide LTC for their elderly and their work responsibilities. Taking care of individuals, such as the elderly, who are incapacitated to take care of themselves, is not an easy task. It requires extra time and effort in the part of family members who care for their elderly at home. It is even more difficult handling this kind of responsibility while still engaged with a job outside their houses. The implication of the aforementioned situation to employers is the influence of LTC to employee performances which then may affect the overall success of the organization. Since it becomes a work-related matter, employers now have the responsibility to oversee employees who are engaged in such activity (LTC) and to work out ways on how to minimize hardship on the part of their employees to ensure that everything will go well regarding their situation at home and within the working environment.

            Home-based LTC without the assistance of government or private medical institution insurances, health care professionals, health care institutions, etc. is caused by the rising cost of LTC services. (Titus & Block, 2000) People are realizing that the government cannot subsidize the expenses for LTC nor are they able to pay for insurance care systems for their loved ones. Due to this unfortunate situation in the country, employees have looked to ask assistance from their employers. (Rando, 2008) Since the U.S. government is expressing the great significance of LTC services, and most importantly access to the service, they are involved with the planning of policies that employers should implement in the workplace. (ASPE, 1999)

            At present, with the authority of the U.S. laws governing employer LTC service assistance, employees are granted access LTC insurance. Not only does this benefit the employees but also their employers as well. It increases the attractiveness of their organizational program to catch the attention of job applicants, and insurances provided are deducted from the organization’s taxes. The LTC service insurance package for employees is highly affordable because it does not ask for expensive fees. Moreover, application to the said insurance is easier than other insurances provided by other institutions. The insurance covers the employee’s family members, and it is deductible to the employee’s salary. (Rando, 2008)


ASPE. (1999). “Research and Other Developments of Interest in Employer Group Long-

Term Care Insurances.” Retrieved August 8, 2008, from ASPE. Website: http://aspe.hhs.gov/daltcp/reports/rn19.pdf

LTC. (2007). “What is Long Term Care?” Retrieved August 8, 2008 from Insurance

            Marketing. Website: http://ltc-usa.com/LTC/ltc.htm

Rando, D. (2008). “Take Advantage of Employer-Sponsored LTC Insurance.” Retrieved

            August 8, 2008, from Investopedia.com. Website:


Titus, F. D. & Block, A. L. (2000). “Long-Term Care.” Retrieved August 8, 2008, from

            OPM. Website: http://www.opm.gov/INSURE/ltc/boc_slides/ltc_slides.pdf


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