Long term health services

To effectively operate and perpetuate their long term health services offer to the society, conflict management forms part of the above organizations’ management. As indicated earlier, their managements have assumed a centrality notion where the staff is managed through standards application. To ensure coterminous offer of services to the people, the they have developed regulations that govern the staff operations and dictates how they are supposed to behave in relation to others and management (Karen et al, 2009).

To add to that, the managements have established effective disaster-management departments that handle the different conflicts that arises either among the staff or between them and the management. Notably, Convalescent Hospital has assimilated highly democratic ideals that demand any staff member to ensure highest level of integrity and sanctity both in reason and practice. To add to that, the staff members are subjected to the rule of the land which they must observe at all times. However, more should be done to assist in addressing various conflicts in these organizations.

The organizations should adopt a better monitoring system for the departments to ensure easier follow up to the laid down rules and regulations and faster response to different conflicts (Douglas, 2007). Organization culture The two organizations have over the years assimilated the culture of effective services delivery to the consumers as a means of achieving the overall long term health care to the society. Though they had taken divergent options previously in articulating the same culture, their current options are very similar especially in periodic approach to services articulation to the society.

This has been the main driving force behind offering high quality services. Arguably, services sectors are assessed according to the appropriateness of the services they offer to their clients. To add to that, they are well entrenched in articulation of staff ideals and fostering new systems to ensure easier operations (Margaret, 2008). They have both acquired modern equipments that are easier to connect them with other staff and the management for easier coordination and disposal of their duties. However, the managers should assimilate a higher level of team work as the basic culture for higher and better of the agreed decisions.

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            Giving health services to members of ethnic/cultural groups is significant mostly for behavioral health workers to understand that members of the same group have different cultural, political, and religious views from each other. Understanding traditions, cultures and beliefs is …

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