Long Term Care

Over the years, the demand for long term health care has drastically risen globally. This has mainly been contributed by the changes in consumerism patterns. Notably, the demand for health packages has shifted from the local traditional systems in historical periods to more distinct systems that require future guarantee of the same services with greater precision. Therefore long term care assists in provision of services that help both medical and non-medical demands of people with various illnesses or disabilities that cannot care for themselves for long periods of time.

About nine million men and women over the age of 65 in US required long term care by the year 2006 while 12 million more are projected to be in need of the same care by 2020. According to the US Department of Health and Human services, people reaching the age of 65 years are 40% likely to enter into a nursing home for better care (Clifford & Clifford, 2009). This paper evaluates the effectiveness in management of the Convalescent Hospital and Assisted living organizations in their bid to offer the much required services.

It extrapolates the communication methods applied, motivation techniques used and their models of handling conflicts. Finally, the paper examines the organization culture and gives suggestions on how the staff can be developed to ensure better application and articulation of the different services they offer to the society. Communication Arguably, effective communication forms the basis of success in organization.

However, it is even more essential when it comes to issues of long term health due to the need for promptness and efficiency in the services offered to the society. Notably, Convalescent Hospital and assisted living organization have assimilated modern systems for enhancing better coordination among the staff in the same stations and between the different stations. In health organization management, it is clear that the staff involved assume high levels of autonomy since they are confronted with situations that cannot wait for their consultations.

To effectively operate and perpetuate their long term health services offer to the society, conflict management forms part of the above organizations’ management. As indicated earlier, their managements have assumed a centrality notion where the staff is managed through standards …

The intention of the paper is to discuss the effects of best practices of patient’s long-term care in Southern California. The long term care practices at one of the popular health care destinations – Magnet Hospitals is taken as the …

Some State or Federal laws have posed some impacts to accessing long-term care services, which for some time has been offered in the nursing homes despite most people preferring community-based services. The elderly people who can not raise money to …

It says being hospitalized and recovering from illness is a crucial life-experience. This is the predicament of mostly elderly persons who survived from old-age ailments, like stroke, memory impairment and either minor or major disabilities due to intermittent health problems. …

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