Loneliness Widespread Among the Elderly

Therefore, findings in this article are real reflection of the problem facing the old people on the ground. Loneliness has been identified to be one of the causes of mental health problems experienced by the elderly people. As indicated by the findings in this article, feelings of loneliness among the old people are attributable to decrease in functionality and social contacts. The feeling of loneliness is subjective that manifest as unpleasant experience that arise when person’s network of social relationships is lacking either terms of quality or quantity.

Also, it was found that respondent’s loneliness was predicated by having few visiting friends and less extensive social network and same predictors applied in assessment of depression. The findings provide a sharp contrast in that many built-in benefits for retirement communities have opportunity to socialize with many peers who are living nearby and have services such as communal meals, and social activities like cultural outings, exercise facilities and activity rooms among others. Thus, the cause of depression that raises from loneliness in such setting with potential of social exposure need to be established.

Because older people are more likely to lose their family members and friends and become more vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation, social engagement can be of great help because it may challenge them to communicate and thus polish interpersonal exchanges which would in turn improve their mental health. Therefore, from this article and other related studies it is evident that majority of old people are more prone to depression and loneliness due to increased functional disability and social isolation.

Despite the fact that old people may be living in an environment that provide sufficient social exposure, they may still be bound to suffer from these conditions. The reason behind this is that the quality of interaction and quantity is very important rather than having causal friends.

Work Cited:

Davis Tracy & Arbor Ann: Loneliness Widespread Among the Elderly. Retrieved on 23rd February 2009 from: http://www. lsa. umich. edu/psych/news/department/news/? id=160, 2005 Independent Living. Retrieved on 23rd February 2009 from: http://www. seniorhousingnet. com/seniors/kyo/ind_living. jhtml, 2008

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