Lisa Concussions In Youth Sp

?A CONCUSSION IS A BRAIN INJURY. ?ALL CONCUSSIONS ARE SERIOUS ?CONCUSSIONS CAN OCCUR IN A SPORT ?CONCUSSIONS CAN OCCUR WITHOUT loss of consciousness. ?PROPER MANAGEMENT WHEN A concussion ? rst occurs can help prevent further injury or death. What Is A Concussion? •A concussion is a type of trauma? c brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body, a fall, or another injury that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull. How To Recognize a Concussion •It is not always easy to know if someone has a concussion. •Symptoms of a concussion range from mild to severe.

•They can last for hours, days, weeks, or even months. Signs To Watch For •Signs Coaches Observe For: •Appears dazed •Player is confused •Forgets instruc? ons •Unsure of game, score, or opponent •Answers ques? ons slowly •Shows mood or behavior changes Symptoms Reported By Athlete •Headache or pressure in head •Nausea or Vomi? ng •Dizziness •Blurred or double vision •Sensi? vity to light or noise •Feeling sluggish, hazy, or groggy •Confusion •Just “not feeling right”. ?

In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. Concussions Are Dangerous • One pupil larger than the other • Is drowsy or cannot be awakened • A headache that not only does not diminish, but gets worse • Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordina? on • Repeated vomi? ng or nausea • Slurred speech • Convulsions or seizures • Cannot recognize people or places • Becomes increasingly confused, restless, or agitated • Has unusual behavior • Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously) Symptoms Of Head Injury WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF YOU THINK YOUR ATHLETE HAS A CONCUSSION?

Given the potential for life threatening brain injuries or career ending head shots, concussions have become a growing problem in sports around the world. A phrase all too common in sports today is, “he got his bell rung.” This is, …

Describe the common types of fractures There are two types of fracture called open and closed. A closed fracture is where the skin is unbroken, but the internal damage to surrounding tissue can be seen as swelling. An open fracture …

The beauty culture is coming to be dominated by a variety of experts, and consumers of youth and beauty are likely to find themselves dependent not only on cosmetic surgeons but on anaesthetics, nurses, aestheticians, nail technicians, manicurists, dietitians, hairstylists, …

Within this essay I will be looking at the sport hockey. I will be briefly looking at the history of the game and different versions of the game, but the main focus for this essay will be provision, for men, …

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