Lipolysis is a medical treatment

Lipolysis is a medical treatment that is given to reduce the fat in the body that is collected under chin, neck, jaw and in certain areas of the body. The fat that is stored in the body, can be removed by taking medical treatment of lipolysis. Lipolysis burns down the fat stored in fat cells. Removal of fat cells keeps the body in shape and also reduces cardiac problems. Epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagons and adrenocorticotropic are the important hormones which encourage lipolysis. Ketones and ketosis are found in the body in big quantities and these occur when liver stores fatty acids by converting fat.

Therefore getting rid of smaller packets of fat stored in the body is called Lipolysis which is a modernized medical system for people to maintain slimness and stay trim throughout life. (Laura E. Matarese, Michele M. Gottschlich 2002) In fact slimness helps in many ways such as in the performance of domestic chores, walking and if being seated for long working hours, there is no back pain and there are many other health benefits which prevent arthritis, cardiacs, obesity, diabetes and many aches such as body ache, spine ache, back ache and all other minor ailments.

Lipolysis is acceptable for every individual and a very safe treatment to get rid of extra fat which otherwise would be very difficult to reduce weight by other methods such as physical exercise, yoga, cycling, gym workout, swimming and these methods are time bound apart from the fact that the results of these methods are not guaranteed and entirely dependent on the workout of individual. (Dr. Christopher T. Chia 2009) Lipolysis treatment ensures perfect results, secures perfect health and helps to maintain a perfect figure for women who reach the process of ageing.

This treatment can also be considered as a cosmetic therapy or a cosmetic surgery which maintain the charm and beauty of women who quickly gain weight and begin to look older even though the age is below 40 yrs. (George A. Bray, Claude Bouchard 2003) According to omdict. net the definition of Lipolysis is Lipolysis is the metabolic process in which lipids are broken down and release free fatty acids into the bloodstream. These free fatty acids are the body’s major oxidative fuel. Ketones are also produced in this process. (Omdict. net [date unknown])

Hormones in the body activate adenylate cyclase by triggering 7TM receptors which lead to lipolysis. In the lipolysis process, triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. The hydrophobic fatty acids are transported to serum albumin and the glycerol is absorbed by the kidney or liver after its entry into the bloodstream. Ketosis is a metabolism in which large portions of ketones are found. At this stage, fat gets converted into ketone as well as free fatty acids. Then the body uses both of these as energy. It is now important to understand what are the main reasons for collection of unrequired fat in the body.

(Omdict. net [date unknown]) Food that carries lot of starch and fat is unable to get out of the body which is why mostly women collect lot of weight which is actually fat in various parts of body. Therefore a woman who is 30yrs old and weighs 150 pounds is certainly overweight and finds very difficult even to walk on the road, drive a car or stand in kitchen for a longer period of time. Laser lipo is another method to lift wrinkles, double chin in order to reduce aging look especialy for women. This process of laser lipo is performed for the face, neck and chin for best results.

This process tightens the skin and effectively not visible about the treatment. This treatment is performed under local anesthesia and there are no side effects. (Cool Touch [date unknown]) Injection Lipolysis is a technique that was developed in 1995, with a substance phosphatidylcholine (PPT) is injected into the areas of fatty deposits. This process melts the deposits of fat, and which is eliminated from the body. PPT is used to prevent blood vessel blockages by fatty portions which is called as fat embolism. (Image Medical Centre, 2008)

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