Lifelong treatment

Since bipolar disorder affects the whole person there is no doubt that it does indeed affect a lot of the issue that are prevalent in society and how an individual is able to focus and learn through society. There are major connections with someone not being able to be involved in many aspects of society on a regular basis. The person is unable to be involved in these aspects of society as he/she would have a hard time with employment, school and many other areas of his/her life (NIMH 2008).

Treatments There are many different types of treatment that are available for someone who has been diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. These treatments include both medical and therapy treatments. Since there is no cure for bipolar disorder, the main treatments’ goal is to be able to help the person to be able to control his/her mood swings and other types of problems.

The main importance for treatment is that someone who is seeking treatment needs to have lifelong treatment options and needs to follow through with treatment that will be available for a long time. Typically the most affective maintenance plans are those that combine both medical and therapeutic options (NIMH 2008). Medical There are many different medical treatments that are currently available for those who are suffering from bipolar disorder. Some of these treatments are newer and some are medications that have previously been used for other disorders.

In one study that was recently conducted by researchers at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Catholic University, and Repligen Corporation, the authors conducted a magnet resonance spectroscopy (MRS) study on bipolar patients experiencing depressive episodes. Patients were given doses of up to 18 grams per day of Triacetylurdine (TAU) over six weeks to test the affect of urdine on symptoms of depression via Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores and on cellular bioenergetics using phosphorous magnet resonance spectroscopic imaging (P-MRSI).

Their hypothesis is consistent with evidence linking bipolar disorder to a bioenergetic and neurochemical model of mitochondrial dysfunction. They found bipolar patients taking Triacetyluridine (TAU) orally for a six week period experienced decreased clinical depressive symptoms and lowered brain acidity ( Jensen, Daniels, Haws, Bolo, Lyoo and Yoon 2008). One of the main treatments for bipolar disorder are the medical treatments that are available. These treatments include medications that are to be prescribed by a M. D.

Some of the most frustrating things about these types of medications are that there may need to be more than one medication that is tried and that there might need to be different types of medications that will need to be tried. Some of the things that someone can do is to keep a chart of mood symptoms, treatments, sleep patterns, and life events that can be helpful for the M. D. s to be able to understand what is going on. Some of the things are needed in order to be able to monitor the signs and symptoms (NIMH 2008).

In the past there have been many different definitions of the disorder that is now known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a mood and brain disorder. This disorder causes mood wings and unusual shifts in moods, as well as …

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can be marked by explosive mood swings and periods of an extreme high or mania combined with other periods of depression. There are many different types of treatment that are used in the …

There are many different types of medication that are necessary for those who are suffering from bipolar disorder. These include that there are mood stabilizers, medications that are one of the oldest types of medications that have been used in …

The idea of co-morbidity is that there are more than one disorder present at the same time in a patient. There are many other disorders that are commonly seen in those who are diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Some of …

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