Life Insurance Information Management System

1. 1 Introduction Beneficial Life Insurance has a set of important customer information stored in electronic formats after inputting the details through manual action and provides company staff the flexibility and accessibility to easily interact with the customer information, which helps to improve the quality of the Life Insurance care service. Managing the customer information has been developed and improved through computer applications. Beneficial life insurance (BENLIFE), wholly Filipino-owned life insurance Company, guarantees the creation of cash, in case of the policyholder’s natural or accidental.

DEATH, THAT SERVES AS INCOME-CONTINUITY FUND FOR ONE’S DEPENDENTS [1]. BY USING NEW system that is fully computerized, user-friendly, time effective and well-organize, the daily routine in Life Insurance Company will be more efficient and a great time management. This allows using every branch in order to reduce high and heavy daily action during customer Life Insurance application. BENLIFE WAS ESTABLISHED ON MARCH 16, 1960, MAKATI, PHILIPPINES [2].

WITH MORE THAN 50 years of experience in the market and over 7,000  Filipino stockholders as its owner, BENLIFE is considered one of the most formidable life insurance companies in the COUNTRY TODAY [3]. IN PAST MODERN AGE WHERE COMPUTER HAS BECOME A WAY HARD OF LIFE, IT is evident that a majority of the country’s foundation still do not adapt the high technology.

Daily routines are still done on manual transaction. Until and then, popular application had discover and using its advantage helps improve manual activities. With this, the researchers want to introduce and develop a computerized system that will help the Beneficial Life Insurance Co… for the improvement of their current system.

This will also help and make every transaction BENLIFE faster and easier to their respective customer and give accurate record for customer records. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem The system aims to solve the problem. •Customer’s application form lost. 1. 3 Objective of the Study To cover this obstacle in Beneficial Life Insurance, the system had the objective: •To transfer the customer’s data from application form to computerized system immediately. 1. 4 Scope and Limitation of the Study This study is limited only to Beneficial Life Insurance and focuses only to Management Information System that provide information about business operations.

By using databases and visual programming, the studies will transform into advance system. 1. 5 Significance of the Study This study will serve as the basis for future plans of actions. The beneficiary who will be directly involved are the following: Researchers. This study will be the initial step to make the research known and expand the understanding on how to create the system. Future Researchers. This study will benefit and provide a better understanding for the future researchers as their guide on how the system is being made. Customers. This study will help the customer for a faster transaction for their.

Life Insurance service. Definition of Terms Management Information System. Provides information that organizations require to manage the system efficiently and effectively. Life Insurance. A protection against the loss of income that would result if the insured passed away. Manual System. A system involving data processing which does not make use of stored-program computing equipment. Computerized System. A process or operation integrated with a computer system.

References [1] http://www. benlife. com. ph/index. php/about-us [2] http://www. yellow-pages. ph/businesses/beneficial-pnb-life-insurance-company-incorporated-3/reviews [3] http://www. insularlife. com. ph/help-faq/ [4] George Rejda, “Importance of Life Insurance,” in Principle of Risk and MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE, 10TH ED. USA, MAY 2013. [5] Harold Skipper and Kenneth Black, “Life and Health Insurance,” in INSURANCE HISTORY, 2ND ED.

HARDBACK, JUNE 200. PP. 15-23. [6] CAROL BENETT, “WHAT IS LIFE INSURANCE,” IN INSURANCE DICTIONARY, 13TH ED. USA, August 2004, chap 8-13. [7] Mark Dorfman and David Cather, “Related Works,” in Principle of Risk and MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE, 9TH ED. SEPT 12, 2009, PP 65-78.

[8] Mark Dorfman and David Cather, “Related Works,” in Principle of Risk and MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE, 9TH ED. SEPT 12, 2009, PP 78-83. [9] Mark Dorfman and David Cather, “Related Works,” in Principle of Risk and MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE, 9TH ED. SEPT 12, 2009, PP 83-90. Life Insurance System A System Analysis and Design Project Presented to the Faculty of the College of Engineering and Information Technology St. Michael`s College Iligan City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology John Robert A.

Aligato Joven Keith G.Pizon Ron Cambangay October 2013 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the review of literature to identify and understand the implications of Life Insurance System. A comprehensive review of related studies helps the researcher to adopt, modify and improve the conceptualization in making the system. 2. 1 Related Literature Health insurance is insurance against the risk of incurring medical expenses among individuals.

By estimating the overall risk of health care and health system expenses, among a targeted group, an insurer can develop a routine finance structure, such as a monthly premium or payroll tax, to ensure that money is available to pay for the health care benefits specified in the insurance agreement.

The benefit is administered by a central organization such as a government agency, private business, or not-for-profit entity. According to the Health Insurance Association of America, health insurance is defined as “coverage that provides for the payments of benefits as a result of sickness or injury. Includes insurance for losses from accident, medical expense, disability, or accidental death and dismemberment. 2. 2 Related Studies Management Information System Management Information Systems (MIS) is the study of people, technology, organizations and the relationships among them.

MIS professionals help firms realize maximum benefit from investment in personnel, equipment, and business processes. MIS is a people-oriented field with an emphasis on service through technology. If you have an interest in technology and have the desire to use technology to improve people’s lives. MIS professionals create information systems for data management (i. e. , storing, searching and analyzing data). In addition, they manage various information systems to meet the needs of managers, staff and customers.

By working collaboratively with various members of their work group, as well as with their customers and clients, MIS professionals are able to play a key role in areas such as information security, integration and exchange. As an MIS major, you will learn to design, implement and use business information systems in innovative ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your company. Information System Isthestudyofcomplementarynetworksofhardwareandsoftware (see information technology) that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data.

The study bridges business and computer science using the theoretical foundations of information and computation to study various business models and related algorithmic processes within a computer science discipline. Computer Information System(s) (CIS) is a field studying computers and algorithmic processes, including their principles, their software and hardware designs, their applications, and their impact on society while IS emphasizes functionality over design.

Welfare Management System This system is capable of receiving, maintaining and processing informationre lating to persons who apply for benefits, or who are determined to be eligible for benefits under any program administered by the Department. Among its purposes are “promoting efficiency in local district determinations of eligibility for public assistance and care”, “to expedite such determinations”, and “to reduce unauthorized or excessive payments”. 0 Chapter 3 Research Methodology This chapter presents the methods and procedures to be applied for the development of Beneficial Life Insurance System. It provides understanding on how the system present and defines on what information processed.

3. 1 Analysis Modeling Customer Customer Management Fig. 1 Context Diagram Payment record Services record Confirmation/Reject ion details Customer record Paymen t Service s Receipt Management Life Insuranc e System ContactNumm Address Name Customer_NO. Age Policy_num Policy_type Term_price Issued_date Management Payment_num Payment_date Payment_amount Customer Apply Policy Insurance Accepts Pay Policy payment Produce Figure 4:

Entity-Relationship Diagram 1. 1 2. 1 Process payment D1 3. 1 Customer Informatio n Custome r details Customer Verify applicatio n details Customer master Approved application form Customer record Payment Receipt Payme nt Payment master Custom er record Payment record MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER database Controlli ng records Paymen t record Figure 3:

Child Diagram 1. 0 3. 0 3. 0 2. 0 Input customer information D1 3. 2 System Design Data Flow Diagram Customer Informatio n Customer Inspect applicatio n form Validate d form Confirmation/Rejecti on details Payment record Custom er record Payment record Customer data file Payment master Monitor records Figure 2: Level 0 Diagram Management Payment Receipt D 2 Payment Collect fees Custom er record Customer Informatio n Customer data file.

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