LGBT and Adoption

According to the website Gay Adoption Debates and Polls, it is a fact that many states already recognize the rampant number of children under the custody of at least one gay parent. These states included the standard “of the child’s best interest”. It was written there that the gender identity and sexual orientation of the parent should not be involved in the deliberation of the child’s welfare.

In this regard, the same website noted the results from various studies wherein they tried to connect the relation between homosexual parents and the welfare of the child. Apparently, these studies showed that gay or lesbian parents are also able to raise children, as much as heterosexual parents can. They highlighted that it is not the gender of the parents that distinguishes the welfare and growth of a child. It is in the capability of the person to become a good parent to their children.

Those who were against having homosexual individuals said that homosexual parents will not be able to suffice the need of children to have role models, a man and a woman—a father and a mother. Unfortunately, this refute against LGBT rights failed to fully define what a mother and a father should be like. If a father and a mother is to be defined by their sexual orientation, then man has failed to understand the true meaning behind the titles. Parenting should involve bringing a child up to the best he can be.

It is about taking great care of the child, and loving him. The gender of the parents doesn’t have a direct influence on this. Studies established that gender had no influence in their capability to raise a child. In this regard, homosexual partners or individuals should be allowed to adopt to their hearts desire. Their genders are not a bid concern. Adoption agencies and courts don’t look at their gender, but at their capacity to raise a child, and the resources they will need along the way. Their gender were not put into question, as it should be.

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