Legislative Bills Affecting Nursing

Legislative Bills Affecting Nursing Identify two legislative bills affecting nursing that are currently being considered in the committee, the House of Representatives, or in the Senate. You may choose either the Florida State bills or U. S. Bills. 1. Bill: H. R. 605 Title(s): Pregnant Women Support Act (Short Title) To provide for programs that reduce the need for abortion, help women bear healthy children, and support new parents. (Official Title) Description:

According to The Library of Congress/Thomas (2009), this bill shall authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants to elevate public awareness in regard to available resources (equipment, health coverage, and all other necessary support) for pregnant women to carry their pregnancy to term and new parents. Moreover, grants shall also be authorized for collecting and supporting abortion surveillance data. Thus, massive support and health-related programs must be provided in order to “reduce the need for abortion” (The Library of Congress, 2009).

Facts and Current Status: This bill is sponsored by Congressman Lincoln Davis (4th District of Tennessee) and was introduced last January 16, 2009 (The Library of Congress, 2009). Accordingly, if passed and approved, this bill shall cover the 50 states and all other United States territories. As of January 16, 2009, the bill was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and also to the Committees on Ways and Means, Education and Labor, and Agriculture, respectively (The Library of Congress, 2009). Relevance to the Nursing Profession:

As part of the health care delivery system, nurses must be aware of the health promotion and illness prevention aspects, especially in the sensitive issue pertaining to abortion. In this manner, the nursing profession must take part in the eventual implementation of this bill, as soon as it is passed and approved by the Congress, in order to reduce -if not diminish- abortion, promote safe pregnancy and motherhood (as well as parenthood), and to decrease maternal, fetal and infant mortality and morbidity rates.

According to The Florida Senate (2009), this general bill shall require hospitals to establish a nurse staffing committee, which, in turn, will produce a yearly nurse staffing plan, as well as posting of staffing schedules, in order to make them …

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Abortion is a practice that has existed for many centuries.  In the early time, pregnancies were terminated by the administrating abortive herbs, using sharpened instruments, engaging in strenuous exercises, lifting of heavy objects and even riding on animals.  In view …

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