Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Purposes

It should also be taken into consideration that legalized marijuana could provide terminally ill patients with a better quality of life due to its ability to alleviate pain quickly. Because of this feature, patients are given comfort and positive mental outlook which is detrimental for them to further maintain their human dignity despite their “hopeless” condition and reduce their suffering. Similarly, with an easier access to this drug, its usage can be controlled, its ingredients will be known, and health experts would be able to determine the appropriate healing quantities needed by the patient.

Likewise, medical marijuana’s legalization would encourage pharmaceutical industries to invest in researches that would focus on the healing properties of marijuana, and citizens would be able to save money from less efficient medicines, as the availability of prescribed marijuana in the market would eventually lessen healthcare costs (Melansek). The group against the legalization of marijuana may have presented some valid points; still, it is evident that the benefits that can be derived from its legalization far outweigh its disadvantages.

Based on the arguments presented, marijuana has the potential to become one of the most beneficial forms of medical treatment. Its contributions in the medical field should not be overlooked. If the state is justified in introducing legislations that acknowledge the public’s welfare, then why not legalize marijuana which can provide relief to those suffering from incurable illnesses? With all the benefits it presents, marijuana should therefore be legalized. Works Cited Inciardi, James A. The Drug Legalization Debate. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage

Publications, 1999. International Debate Education Association (IDEA). The Debatabase Book: A Must Have Guide For Successful Debate. Amsterdam, Netherlands: International Debate Education Association, 2004. Iversen, Leslie. “Marijuana. ” Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 2008. 27 Apr. 2009. <http://encarta. msn. com/encyclopedia_761567358/Marijuana. html>. Melansek, Andraz. “Marijuana for medical purposes. ” International Debate Education Association. 1 Feb. 2004. 27 Apr. 2009. <http://www. idebate. org/debatabase/topic_details. php? topicID=254>.

One of the most controversial issues that have been widely debated to date is the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. The proponents for legalization of marijuana persistently claimed that suppressing and criminalizing marijuana use undermines the plant’s medicinal value. …

The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized is becoming more and more popular. As the species of plant is America’s number one cash crop, it is recognized by the nation as a schedule two, and therefore an …

The debate over the legalization of Marijuana has been a long standing battle. In 1970, novelist Gore Vidal wrote, “… the government has learned nothing from past attempts at prohibition, not to mention repression” as he argued that the legalization …

Recently doctors have prescribed marijuana, and “the Clinton administration threatened to prosecute doctors who prescribe marijuana,” (Gonnerman 40). Doctors are prescribing marijuana for its medical benefits. The Clinton administration on the other hand is outlawing marijuana because it has not …

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