Legal Aspects of Health Administration

Legal Aspects of Health Administration

            Fraud or Deception is a term for any scheme or method used by one person to gain an unfair advantage over another. Fraud is a tort for which the injured party may bring suit to collect damages. In the natural sense, many people commits fraud at times and they are just so lucky enough that it doesn’t bring any harm or trouble to them.

            I have known a friend before who almost got into trouble because of fraud. He used to be the most intelligent in the class. He got high grades; he is very active in extra curricular activities. He served as a model for everyone who knew him. Everyone thinks he has it all already, the brain and the looks of course. No one would ever imagine him doing such a deceitful act. It was not until he ran for President in our school government, of course, it is already very much expected that he would win beating his opponent for a hundreds of votes. Yes, he won and got all the favor he wanted. He has all the support of the school administration in every project he proposes.

He has very good intentions in every activity he makes for the students, not until he got tempted because of money. He made a program and that is to conduct a concert and all the money would be given to a specific charity. A concert was done and yes many went and witnessed its success, including me. I really saw hundreds of students supporting the concert for a cause. That was such a great and successful concert.

A week after that I heard from my friend that only a little amount was given to the chosen charity, and the reason was that there was a shortage of the budget made including the decorations, the venue and the performers. But as I see it, it wasn’t true at all. The decorations were not that expensive at all, the venue was for free and there are lots of students who watched it but then that was the outcome, which was really unbelievable. I did nothing so as not to worsen the situation because I know that time will only reveal the truth. Until it was really found out by the school administration that there was really a big amount of money lost during that concert and that the real amount gained was not announced. They were deceived by the President of the School government and proper actions were taken against him. Many were so disappointed by what he has done. If I was a part of it I should have warned him not to do it because he will only destroy his name and his reputation. What should have been done was that he declared all the gained money in the concert so that he would not be put into trouble at all and people will trust him more in anything that he would want to do in school.


“Fraud”. New Standard Encyclopedia. Volume 7. Pages 330- 331.
“Fraud”. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge. Volume 7. Pages 540-541
“Fraud”. Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia. 29 August 2008.


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