Lack of proper treatments makes glaucoma

Mumbai, India – May 5, 2014 – A group of diseases that cause irreversible damage to the optical nerve and results in the loss of vision, glaucoma still doesn’t have any cure, despite the significant advances being made in the discovery sector. Research reports on glaucoma indicate developments are being rapidly made in the novel molecular entities as well as in medical delivery systems that will improve the effectiveness of the therapy. The major problem faced by the medical fraternity in treating glaucoma is the increased fluid pressure inside the eye which is also known as the intraocular pressure (IOP).

This forms a buildup of aqueous humor, the clear fluid which is continuously produced between the lens and the cornea in the eye, threatening severe eye-damage because when this fluid fails to drain out, pressure builds up within the eye. Drug makers are searching for drugs that will reduce this pressure and also minimize the probability of unwanted systemic side effects. For more details on the content of each report and ordering information please contact: Phone:+91 22 4098 7600 E-Mail: customerservice@researchonglobalmarkets. com Related Link: http://www. researchonglobalmarkets. com/glaucoma-pipeline-review-h1-2014.

html Most of the recent drug treatments available in the market aim in lowering the IOP however, not all work for everyone. All the medications reduce the IOP by either reducing the overall production of the fluid in the eye or by increasing the outflow. The glaucoma market has come out with several new medical therapies including the topical drugs latanprost and dorzolamide and many more that are in the development pipeline by the National Eye Institute. Moreover, medicines like Prostaglandins already exist in the market which increase the outflow of the fluid and is currently considered the most effective of all drugs.

Though, some eye drops are available for treating glaucoma, studies show that they are not very effective since people often forget prescribed daily medication. Moreover, another factor that imperatively affects this psychology is the economic aspect – these eye drops are expensive and not covered by most insurance companies due to the elusive nature of the disease. Laser treatment is another viable alternative although it is just a primary treatment solution that is used to lower the built up pressure.

Both the associated side effects and the daily medication requirements are reduced considerably through laser treatments even though the treatment is not a permanent solution. Of these, Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (ALT) and Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) are the most commonly used treatment procedures. Inspite of the available treatments, glaucoma remains a progressive and potential blinding eye disease. The biggest challenge faced by the ophthalmology sector in the case of this disease is the lack of proper screening methods.

Other than this, the industry faces another major challenge since there are no proper biomarkers that will decidedly be successful in detecting the problem at an early stage and reduce the harm to the optic nerve. The drug market is therefore still in the search for molecular pathways that will lead to the improved resistance against the condition. The biotechnology sector is trying to provide non-topical and non-surgical treatments that will improve the overall quality of life and also preserve the vision of the patients affected by the disease. For further insights, click here

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Glaucoma is a disease that affects the eye. It causes damage to the optic nerve which sends images to the brain. The nerve is damaged by intraocular pressure, pressure in the eye. If left untreated, glaucoma can cause vision loss. …

Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight. Most people with glaucoma do not register the symptoms and therefore it goes unnoticed in the beginning stages. According to the CNIB it is the second leading cause of blindness in …

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness around the world that is preventable. This disease takes away the sense of sight slowly and there are no warning signs most of the time. The damage caused is permanent …

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of permanent blindness around the world that is preventable. This disease takes away the sense of sight slowly and there are no warning signs most of the time. The damage caused is permanent …

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