Knower and the ways of knowing

For thousands of years, knowledge, and the creation of new knowledge, has been essential to the growth and advancement of human society. Whether it was the introduction of democracy or a new, more improved version of technology, “justified true beliefs,” are, and have been a prominent factor in the development of civilization. But where does new knowledge come from? Historically, some of the greatest and most influential discoveries have originated from human imagination.

This has been true since the early Greek philosophers such as Thales, Socrates, and Hippocrates, who all used their own unique insight to create knowledge claims which, after years of refinement and justification, became the basis for many accepted truths evident in our society today. So which is more important, knowledge or imagination? According to Albert Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand. ” Is he correct?

Does imagination actually have more to offer humanity than existing knowledge? If one were to look at how the work of an individual such as Thomas Edison or Orville Wright has helped mankind to advance over the years, he or she would most likely answer yes, and with just cause. These “brilliant men” are perfect examples of how an individual’s open-mindedness and unique insight can enhance the overall data base of society. The expression of a high level of creativity, however, is not the only factor which plays a part in the advancement of society. The innovative manipulation of existing knowledge is equally important.

Although imagination may seem to spawn completely from one’s own thoughts, knowledge is actually essential to this thought process. Discoveries or inventions cannot arise in the vacuum of imagination without some degree of existing information which must serve as a foundation on which to build ideas. Furthermore, without the support of existing knowledge, newly formulated ideas or inventions could not be justified or established as truth. In short, while imagination may be the most influential factor in the growth of human civilization, existing knowledge serves as an essential basis on which to progress potential knowledge.

In the process of creating new hypotheses, the great scientific and creative minds of both past and present use established knowledge as a foundation on which to build ideas. Albert Einstein was such an individual. Born in the late nineteenth century, Einstein became interested in science at a young age. The prodigy’s new unique style of considering the existing laws of science combined with a passion for his work allowed Einstein to create, “four of his most influential research papers, including the Special Theory of Relativity” in 1905.

(Einstein Official Site) After years of research, Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his various theories, including his General Relative Theory of 1915 and the popular discovery of e = mc2. While these breakthroughs were the result of brilliant ingenuity, it is important to note the role that knowledge played in his research. In order to develop his theories, Einstein initially mastered the existing laws of science. If he did not study and understand the established laws of physics and particle movement, he would not have been able to formulate his theories.

Furthermore, if Einstein did not incorporate existing knowledge into his ideas, he would not have been able to reliably support his arguments or prove his claims. If he could not prove his theses, other scientists at the time would not have taken him seriously. Prior to 1921, Einstein’s theories were not, in fact, universally accepted by other physicists. Although Einstein had enough empirical evidence to support his theories regarding the movement of particles, other scientists investigating these new ideas needed adequate justification to support his newly proposed claims.

In the long run, however, Einstein’s theories were validated and became extremely important to the world of physics. His ideas became essential in the development of inventions such as the television and remote control. The ability to apply innovative and unique thought processes to establish scientific truths was also seen in the work of other great scientists. Ernest Rutherford, a nuclear physicist in the early 1900s, was able to support imaginative ideas with knowledge, eventually leading to the description of atomic structure.

Other examples of creative scientific breakthroughs in the twentieth century that changed the world include the discovery of DNA structure by Watson and Crick in 1952, as well as the development of the polio vaccine by Jonah Salk in that same year. In the area of artistic creativity, Walt Disney was an inspired visionary. American born, this entrepreneur created Walt Disney Productions, a motion picture production company which is admired and celebrated worldwide today. As did Einstein, Disney also studied and mastered various knowledge principles prior to creating original work.

In 1919, “Disney worked at the Kansas City Film Ad Company, where he made commercials based on cutout animation. Around this time, Disney began experimenting with a camera, doing hand-drawn cell animation. ” (The Biography Channel Website Famous Biographies & TV Shows) With both knowledge about the different types of animation and firsthand experience in the world of advertising, Disney understood how to successfully promote an animated cartoon. In 1921 he created “Laugh-O-Gram Studio. ” Approximately 15 years later Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, “produced an unimaginable $1.

499 million, in spite of the Depression. ” (The Biography Channel Website Famous Biographies & TV Shows) Why Walt Disney was so successful? The answer is imagination. Throughout his lifetime, Disney was an accomplished artist and writer. Creations such as Mickey Mouse and Cinderella were unique, appealing, family friendly stories which became instantly successful. As time progressed and his company became more prestigious, Disney applied his creativity to achieve business success as well.

As one of the “first to use television as an entertainment medium,” the cartoonist was promoted Walt Disney Productions as home entertainment, which allowed his enterprise to expand. Today, Disney is one of the most successful entertainment production companies in the world. While most Walt Disney movies are based on fantasy, tales such as “Sleeping Beauty” and “Peter Pan” have contributed to the collective knowledge of modern culture, and are now considered to be “classics. ” Knowledge includes established or proven facts, truths, and principles.

It entails all that is seen, experienced, and perceived. To some, these “justified, true beliefs,” are considered more important to society than imagination. Although it can certainly be argued that without knowledge to build on, creativity could not flourish and the accomplishments of the past would not be preserved. For society to advance, though, visionaries must utilize the body of knowledge available as a launch pad from which new ideas can be created. Without imagination, there would be no new achievements or growth.

Without the development of new knowledge; society would be stagnant, and humanity would remain in the dark ages. Works Cited “Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein Official Site – Bio. ” Albert Einstein | Albert Einstein Official Site. N. p. , 30 Jan. 2013. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <http://einstein. biz/biography. php>. “Walt Disney Biography Walt Disney Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story – Biography. com . ” The Biography Channel Website Famous Biographies & TV Shows – Biography. com . N. p. , 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2013.

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