Issues on Euthanasia

Euthanasia is currently becoming a common practice among many of the world’s population. Euthanasia is an act characterized by “the intentional ending of a patient’s life by a physician, usually by lethal injection (Facts and Statistics on Euthanasia). ” Oftentimes, euthanasia is being raised as an option in cases involving a person with a terminal illness, whose chances at recovery are very slim. From the popularity of this option resulted an intense debate over the past several years.

This hot debate primarily focuses on the issue of its morality and legality. Euthanasia is slowly being accepted in various parts of the globe, such as in Colombia, the Netherlands, and Belgium (“Facts and Statistics on Euthanasia”). However, a great majority of the world’s states are still not ready for it. Strong opinions and arguments against euthanasia are being put forward by various interest groups, particularly religious ones, on grounds relating to the inherent value of life and the possibility of recovery.

On the other hand, there are also persuasive arguments on the side in favor of the practice. In favor of euthanasia, it could be argued that as the person involved in the situation, such person ultimately holds the choice on whether he wants to remain suffering or choose to escape his unbearable situation. He might feel dejected at the great possibility of never recovering, and it could be considered part of his prerogatives to decide whether to cut his suffering short or to remain struggling.

It is possible for a person to feel too much pain as a result of a terminal illness, and all facts pointing to the conclusion that he is heading towards eventual death, could provide him with adequate justification to seek early death as an easier choice. In addition, the sick person’s family and friends might be in favor of euthanasia because they themselves are finding it extremely difficult to raise funds for the continued treatment and confinement of the patient in an expensive facility, when there appears no hope for recovery.

These arguments appear persuasive justifications in favor of euthanasia. Despite this, my personal opinion remains inclined towards the other side. For me, a sick person wanting to die should be considered a victim, who needs emotional, spiritual, and psychological support that would help him cope with the difficulties and sufferings he is going through. Furthermore, I personally am not an escapist. I want to tackle every problem head on.

Therefore I do not agree that cutting a person’s life short is a humane way of treating a person, who has lots of potential to recover and live a long and promising life. Finally, I believe in looking at things positively, rather than pessimistically. While there is nothing wrong in accepting facts as truth, there is similarly nothing wrong in taking in a little hope in one’s life, especially when such hope promises to bring more joy to a person.

References Facts and Statistics on Euthanasia. Retrieved May 2, 2007, from http://www. religionfacts. com/euthanasia/stats. htm

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