Issues of health

According to Jane (2008) staff motivation has been cited as one of the most important tools for ensuring effective services delivery to the community. Arguably, scholars have recently differed over the claim that motivation ability to assist in raising the quality of long term health services offer by different organizations to the society. Whereas some argue that human health services offer in the society is an intrinsic call, others have maintained that their special motivation assists in improving their contribution. Most of the staff remunerations are higher as compared to other people in various similar jobs in US.

To add to that, they receive extended health care benefits for their families. Assisted living has assimilated a modern rewarding system where operations of teams are broken down into short win-win considerations that are rewarded to them but celebrated by the whole organization. The later notion has been credited for the organization’s current success in offering high quality services (Douglas, 2007). Pointing out the effectiveness of motivation during the year 2005 annual general meeting, the management of Assisted living linked its last three years success to staff motivation.

To add to that, both organizations offer housing to its staff and preferential considerations for the employees to higher management. These motivation methods have effectively been applied due to their ability to capture the long term commitments of the staff, enhance their identity with their organizations, and improve the services quality offered by the organizations (Clifford & Clifford, 2009). However, they have largely been inclined towards monetary gains as opposed to effective combination that would maximize their services utility from the staff.

Therefore, it is important to increase the levels of motivation towards the technical side and improve training and development to equip the staff with more skills even in other areas directly or indirectly related to long term health operations. This would not only raise the ability to boost their morale, but also address more complicated issues of health. Besides, they should establish an international exchange motivation system where international touch is articulated to the employees giving them an international-sense of exposure and achievement.

As a result communication has assumed the horizontal mode to a greater extent with effective constant touch between the organization management and staff. However, the two organizations differ in that Convalescent Hospital inculcates a more coterminous system where the staff …

Over the years, the demand for long term health care has drastically risen globally. This has mainly been contributed by the changes in consumerism patterns. Notably, the demand for health packages has shifted from the local traditional systems in historical …

To effectively operate and perpetuate their long term health services offer to the society, conflict management forms part of the above organizations’ management. As indicated earlier, their managements have assumed a centrality notion where the staff is managed through standards …

Conclusion Management staff forms the most important assets in an organization settings as it ids the basis for all the operations that are carried out. As a result, the organizations’ managements should establish a direct research team to study and …

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