Issues and Innovations in Nursing Practice: Postdischarge Nursing Interventions for Stroke Survivors and Their Families

Article Review:

Issues and Innovations in Nursing Practice: Postdischarge Nursing Interventions for Stroke Survivors and Their Families


There are many research studies about how to help stroke survivors. Information for doctors, nurses, family members, as well as the survivors themselves have given information on how to handle such situation. In the case of nurses however, the clarity of nursing intervention, once the stroke survivors are discharged from the hospital, is not clear. This article is a research concerning nursing interventions.

The purpose of the essay is to critically review the article about the role of nurses in the postdischarge activity of stroke survivors. This critical review analyzes the research conducted to put emphasis on the importance of nursing interventions for stroke survivors after being discharged from the hospital. The benefits of subjecting a written article to a critical review are, one, having a fresh eye and a new perspective in reading the article; two, being able to check the applicability of the language used; and last, giving an opportunity for others to comment, suggest, and recommend for the improvement of the article.

The featured article “Issues and Innovations in Nursing Practice: Postdischarge Nursing Interventions for Stroke Survivors and Their Families,” is authored by Kelly McBride MSc RN, Carole White PhD RN, Rosa Sourial MSc RN, and Nancy Mayo PhD. It is about having nursing interventions after stroke survivors are discharged from hospitals. This article review critics four main parts of the article, namely: Introduction, Critical Appraisal of the Article, Conclusion, and the References used. The framework used to structure the appraisal or critique of this article is divided into four categories with each categories having specific guidelines on how to critic the article.

Critical Appraisal of the Article

The title tells us of what the article is all about. The title itself is already informative for it gives the readers of what to expect in the article. The title also indicates the research proposal, in this case, the research proposal is the issues and innovations concerning nursing practice in the postdischarge of the stroke survivors. The researchers’ credentials and skills are necessary in the effectiveness and accuracy of their research work. Their expertise enabled them to justify the need of stroke survivors for nursing intervention after being discharged from the hospital. This journal is very much applicable to nursing professionals for this issue of nursing intervention is not given too much attention.

The Abstract is clear and concise. It enables the readers to have prior understanding as to why nursing interventions are necessary after stroke survivors are discharged. The Abstract is informative and can attract readers to read on the complete journal.

The researchers are able to explain the rational of their research and that is to clarify the role of nursing interventions even in post-hospital discharge. Primary sources were used by the researchers. The data was collected from actual stroke survivors, thus factual and latest information are assured. The literature review also informs the readers that there were existing published studies about nursing interventions but the clarity of the role is not clearly discussed. The purpose or aim of the journal is clearly stated by the researchers.

The researchers have stated the method they used in their research. But there are no mentioned of the terms independent and dependent variables. The researchers used the term randomized controlled trial that was conducted on December 1999 to June 2001. The researchers were able to clearly explain the methodology used in order to conduct the research. They used the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) system to be able to assess the accuracy of the interventions made.

Regarding validity and reliability of the NIC system, the researchers suggested that this system needs further testing to improve validity, reliability, as well as sensitivity. This system is used to record or to document the interventions made by the nurses. In the course of their research, the researchers encountered limitation of the study in the documentation of the intervention because the NIC system needs to be improved in order to accurately document the collected data.

The researchers made sure that all possible ethical issues concerning their research would be resolve. In fact, they even asked consent from the family members of the stroke survivors even if they are not necessary needed. But for the purposes of ethical issues, the researchers attend to all possible targets concerning ethical considerations. The stroke survivors were not forced to join the study. Those who have given their consent are the only ones subjected to the research.

The researchers used data tables and graph in order to better explain the result of their work. The findings were consistent with the aim of the study—that there is a need to clearly articulate the role of nursing intervention after the stroke survivors were discharged from the hospital. The clinical trial conducted by the researchers was significant for it quantifies the actual need of stroke survivors from nursing continuum care in their home.

The Discussion part has informed the readers the extent of nursing interventions needed by stroke survivors. Also, the need to improve the NIC system is also discussed. The researchers mentioned that research studies do exist for nursing interventions but the similarities and differences are not clearly stated. Same with the strengths and weaknesses of the study, the researchers were not able to clearly state these aspects. Though this could implicitly be read in the journal, but there is no clarity or emphasis given. The implication of this research according to the researchers is to clearly explain the extent of nursing intervention to stroke survivors. With the research, the researchers aim to quantify the nursing interventions needed. The researchers recommended for future study the improvement of the NIC system in order to accurately and efficiently improve nursing care services.

The Discussion opens new knowledge about the necessary nursing intervention needed after the stroke survivors are discharged from the hospitals.


There is no header for Conclusion unlike the header for Discussion. The researchers could have discussed the process of their study but there is a need to put an actual Conclusion in order to clearly tell the readers of final data about the study. However, the researchers were able to state the short summary of the study. Putting a conclusion is necessary. Here, the readers could identify the end of the research, or is there a need to continue the research, and the like.

The researchers have implicitly concluded the matter in the Discussion part.


The researchers used in-text citations and reference list based on the Harvard reference style. The references used are applicable in the study.

List of Reference

McBride, K. L, et. al., Issues and Innovations in Nursing Practice: Postdischarge Nursing Interventions for Stroke Survivors and Their Families (2004). Journal ofAdvanced Nursing, 47(2), 192–200. Blackwell Publishing.

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