Is memory essential for humans or does it hold them back?

Is memory essential for humans or does it hold them back? I believe that memory is extremely essential for humans. It is a special gift to human kind from god. if memory does not exist, we will never be able to move forward in life. Memory is something we without realizing depend on and as it is said human kind will not be able to realize its importance until and unless it is taken away from them. Memory helps us to expand our knowledge base, to remember things which please us, to remember our loved ones and regrettably it also helps us to remember the people we don’t like and all the sad and appalling memories which we want to but cannot forget.

I would compare memory to a personal diary where one notes down everything one likes, dislikes, notices etc.. More importantly memory is essential because we survive on it. Imagine a life where one would get up everyday in the morning and learn everything all over again, like a cycle, never being able to break through it or make it move forward in any way. This would not only make life monotonous and boring but would make one lose the opportunity of learning something new. Some people belive in forgetting wwhat has passed and just living in the present. That is correct, one must keep his whole and soul dedicated to where he is but one also must not forget to bottle up his memories like on ebottles up a perfume because that gives one the chance to live certain parts of our lives again, atleast the good ones and as greedy as we are, we can never get tired of happiness…can we?

People say we have a memory but it will also not be wrong to say that the memory has us. It somehow has a will of its own where every little thing that we manage to observe stays with us for our entire life somewhere at the back of our mind and is brought up by the memory at the accurate moment. it is because of this reason that some people feel that memories hold them back and one cannot wrong them. Like everything, memory also has its benefits and shortcomings out of which the biggest one is the accuracy of the memory. Even though it is said with age we tend to forget things….time heals everything….it is not really true because our memories are sharper than we think they are and one does not really want to remember the bad ones because even though it will keep us from making the same mistake again, it will also scare us. The unpleasant reminder of the mistake will create a fear in our hearts.

For example if we look at the teenagers today. They start driving at a very early age without a license at unimaginable speeds and even though they know thay are wrong they don’t realize thire mistake until they fall into the pit i.e. they have an accident or are caught by the police. And once this happens, they refrain from driving because all the bad memories keep coming back to them. Here, one could blame the child for making such a humongous mistake and could say that such dreadful memories is what he deserves.

But, one could also blame the memory for coming up with this again and again and making the child fearful and afraid of doing anything new in life. So, one cannot realy decide what is wrong and what is correct because what is wrong for one person could be correct for another. So, I would just say that according to me, memories are very essential because humans need them to keep going ahead in life and to keep in mind what they already know.

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