Intuitive health, healing, and diagnosis

In Anatomy of the Spirit, Myss explains that an energy field, which acts as a highly sensitive perceptual system, surrounds our physical body. We are constantly in communication with everything around us through the perceptual system being sort of conscious electricity transmitting and receiving messages between each other. These energy insights from and within a person’s aura are intuitive perceptions. This energy, emotional and physical, is created through our very existence and experiences, both positive and negative.

Myss believes that each chakra contains it is own issues and concerns. Small unresolved issues within us can fester into full blown “dis-ease” because the unresolved beliefs, doubts, and regrets drain the charka and body of energy causing imbalances. Resolving the latent issues and traumas clears the way for greater health and well-being. The concept that emotional force permeates our body’s physical tissue is an emerging concept to the field of medicine. She was able to achieve 93% diagnostic accuracy when given only the patient’s name and birth date. C.

Norman Shealy, a neurosurgeon specializing in pain and stress management, found an intuitive diagnostician, Myss, who is incredibly accurate. (Shealy, 1975) Dr. Shealy reported that he had selected an unspecified number of patients whose illness appeared to be physical, excluding patients with psychosomatic problems. Several unconventional diagnosticians participated: a palmist, a graphologist, and three clairvoyants. The clairvoyants gave the most accurate diagnoses; the graphologist and psychologist least. Dr. Shealy found that a consensus diagnosis by several psychics was more accurate.

“[I]n a semi-formal pilot study of seventeen or so patients whenever there was a consensus of opinion among them they were ninety-eight percent accurate on personality disorders” (Shealy, __ ). As to physical concerns, “the psychics proved eighty percent correct in their diagnoses when in agreement” Reports by Dr. Shealy indicated that healer and doctor diagnoses’ could reached as high as 85 to 93% when energies are combined. The explanation for the unusually high accuracy in the study was that Myss obtained her information and insights through telepathic or precognitive manner. (Shealy, 1988 )

One of the most important characteristics that a healer or physician should have is the ability to connect with their own heart energy and a sense of deep compassion and love for their clients or patients. Faith in your practitioner is essential. Since most “dis-ease” results from blockages between the mind body, and spirit connection, the method you use to reduce or remove the blockages is less important than the act of removing them. The quality of the patient’s intentions and belief is the most important element in healing. “The patient and practitioner must believe the treatment is beneficial and effective.

A healing partnership involves both information and intuition. Illness is an opportunity to become acutely aware of your body, as well as fully present with your spirit. ” (Orloff ) The critical ingredient in health and healing is: intuitive listening. It’s more than going down the list of signs and symptoms. “ It’s about me listening to other forms of intuitive input that could come in at that time that could help lend more depth and richness to what they’re presenting” It is about the process of bringing intuition into psychiatry and medicine practices. It is about enhancing the analytic training by integrating new diagnostic tools.

(Orloff ) The “mind, body, spirit “ connection and healing processes brew controversy because of the inability of western scientific methods and studies to assess the validity of claims for intuitive diagnosis and the processes involved. The efficacy of western healing is well documented but it does not address a complete process of healing. Allopathic doctors never really diagnose the patient’s actual state of being and usually arrive at a diagnosis for the symptoms only after it has a period of time to develop. In the UK, healing is being integrated successfully with conventional medicine.

Healers have professional organizations that accredit new members after they demonstrate intuitive ability, serve an apprenticeship under recognized healers and present testimonials from four healees. A growing number of doctors refer patients to alternative healers. Healers are working in hospital pain, cancer and cardiac rehabilitation centers. Many physicians and nurses are developing their own healing gifts. (Benor ) In Eastern Europe and Russia, healers are increasingly working closely with western doctors. The healers are encouraged to study anatomy and physiology so that they can communicate better with physicians.

They are expected to demonstrate intuitive diagnostic skills as a part of the measure of their abilities to assess imbalances and to heal. (Safonov ) In the US, nearly as many patients are being seen annually by complementary therapists annually as by physicians. Healers have not organized themselves in professional organizations and have less professional acceptance than in the UK. (Benor; Benor, in press) Modern western medicine has been slow to assimilate subtle energy concepts into allopathic medical theory and care, although complementary therapy practices, including energy medicine, have been gradually gaining acceptance.

In the US, thirty-six percent of adults use some sort of alternate medicine, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of these, fifty-five percent of adults believe in combining CAM with allopathic medicine. Since 1998, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine has been studying the efficacy of naturopathy, guided imagery, St. John’s Wort and other herbs, acupuncture, hypnosis, distant healing, and other alternative treatments often written off as shams (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine).

Energy medicine concepts are included in the medical systems of most of the other cultures around the world as in Chinese acupuncture and Qi Gong, Yoga, and shamanic healings. Craniosacral therapy (Upledger) appears to employ energy medicine perceptions both for diagnosis and assessment of treatment (Benor, 1993 ). Homeopathy demonstrates that serial dilutions which cannot contain a single molecule of the therapeutic substance are still effective, and postulates that a patterning in the water, presumably of an energetic nature (Taylor-Reilly; Tiller) .

In the United Kingdom, homeopathy has gained wide acceptance and there are even homeopathic hospitals (as there once were in the US in the late 1800’s). In conclusion, intuitive diagnosis and medicine offer hope for a rapid, non-invasive method to diagnose and explore imbalances in the body. Intuitive diagnostic impressions relate to perceptions of energies in and around the body and that these may be difficult to translate into physical diagnoses. Medical training for healers who wish to work with doctors would seem advisable.

Physicians familiar with energy medicine would possibly relate energy dysfunctions to relevant organs, making intuitive diagnoses more useful. Physicians and healers desperately need to restore the sense of the vision and fight to keep the “true spirit” of medicine alive. Healers have studied a great deal and worked under the supervision of mentors for years. They have unique gifts that do not necessarily fit into certain professional categories. Yet, they are bona fide spiritual healers whose gifts usually became apparent early in life and their skills have developed and strengthen over the years.

Intuition is available to everybody but often a person fails to follow this inner advice and knowing due to fear of rejection, humiliation, change or failure. For too long, illness has been seen as a weakness or failure; yet in most instances, illness is a wake up call from the inner spirit “bellowing” to the mind and body that disharmony is present. The body is not the enemy and unsupportive of each person’s endeavors. It yearns to be handled with tender loving care and treated as our greatest friend and asset.

The body takes on the stresses a person is unable to handle emotionally and spiritually, expressing disharmony when we drift too far from our spiritual core and our chosen path. By tapping into the wisdom and inner knowing of the body, we are utilizing the intricate links between the mind, body and spirit allowing the person to achieve optimal wellbeing through spirit directed health. Illness is a stop/halt sign. Healing is a milestone on a person’s spiritual journey. Embrace the healing journey and learn all the cues from the body, mind, and spirit for they are all powerful teachers!

Teaching empowers patients and the healer to understand and better manage the health and well being within that healing relationship. It is gratifying to build such a relationship with patients, to listen, to hear, and assist them in achieving optimal health and well being as well as humbling as the lessons they continually demonstrate the healer. The future of intuitive medicine lies in the integration of technological advances with intuition through the fusing of the mind, body and spirit into a balanced being of energy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Benor, D. J. Healing Research. Volume I. Munich/ Oxford: Helix Books 1992; Rev. ed.Southfield, MI: Vision Publications (in press). Reprinted with permission of the author and publisher. Original publication: Subtle Energies 1992, 3(2), 41-64. The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM). 1105 Ralston Rd. , Ste. 100D, Arvada, CO 80004.

Benor, D. J. Healing Research. Volume II. Munich/ Oxford: Helix Books 1993; Rev. ed. Southfield, MI: Vision Publications (in press). Reprinted with permission of the author and publisher. Original publication: Subtle Energies 1992, 3(2), 41-64. The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM).

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