Interest groups in politics-revised

Do interest groups and political parties have similar functions and what are the implications for the political process? Do the activities of interest groups enhance or corrupt democratic government? An interest group (advocacy group, pressure group or lobbying group) is a typical group working within a nation that prevent or encourage changes or modifications in public policy, not trying to be elected. These groups never try to put up their representatives for election, but attempts to influence the legislation and other government policies.

In Britain, interest groups are numerous and new new groups keep on coming to the scene every day. Political parties, however, are very few in number. Interest groups are called pressure groups if they follow particularly strong tactics (particularly in UK). They are called private interest group if they have some financial benefit from the outcome or if they have some vested interest. Interest groups get their demand approved by the government by persuading legislators, going for some legal proceedings and or by working through some regulatory bureaucracy.

An example for interest group is a trade association functioning for the interests of the whole industry demanding favourable rules and tax policies. Interest groups and political parties often play different roles in a democracy. Their interests vary and their political outlook and works also differ even though both these groups work for progress, in general. Both of these groups are supposed to follow the true path of democracy and contribute for the development of the nation.

Interest groups often play a great role in democracy enhancing the policies and activities of democratic government. Jeffrey Berry, “An interest group is an organized body of individuals who share some goals and who try to influence public policy. ” An interest group is a useful mechanism with which citizens make their demands, views and ideas known to the elected representatives. Citizens can find an interest group that can help them to get their demands done. Interest groups are focused on particular concerns and help the individuals in finding justice by properly guiding them.

Interests groups represent the requirements of citizens. The informal traditions and the formal structure of US politics encourage interests groups in the nation. The relative weakness of the US political parties encourages the growth of interest groups. In parliamentary system (like what prevails in Great Britain) where prime minister occupies the position as long as he enjoys the majority support in the parliament, parties have good control over legislators and consequently on policy making too.

Another feature that supports interest groups in nations like United States is the federal system (federalism), which causes the decentralization of political power to states and localities. Moreover, nations where independent judiciary exists will be a good playground of interest groups. Unlimited freedom of speech, assembly, and press which is prevailing in certain nations like United States supports the emergence and growth of interest groups. Any view or idea introduced by an interest group, no matter how useful it is, will be permitted a public airing in such nations.

Before 1970 interest groups in United States were mainly on business, labor and agriculture. Interest group world became very much complicated gradually. Many new groups emerged; agriculture groups started vanishing. Since business plays a very important role in American democracy, various interest groups emerged that represent the business interests of companies and people (trade unions and other associations). Labor unions that support the demand of employees gained attraction in American Political system.

Various professional associations (a different kind of interest groups) like American Medical Association that focus on collective interests emerged in the scene. There is a typical interest group known as intergovernmental group that represent various local and state level units at the national level. Apart from this, there exist public interest groups that support ideas which never bring direct material benefit to the members. These groups express ideas for the benefit of the society as a whole.

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