Innovations in health care delivery

Health care innovations are recommendations, strategies models that are used to improve the quality of care into practice. In Texas, Health care innovations are made. TMAP (Texas medical Algorithm Projects) designed a program regarding the promotion of consistent treatment of depressive states and schizophrenia. The project is based on the basis that many of the patients are not improving because of most patients would see different health care providers that would prescribe a different medicines and protocols.

This project is designed physicians to follow specified treatment patterns and standards regarding their patients’ charts so that other providers can understand why a treatment protocol was chosen. Physicians also are to provide their clients with complete details regarding the drug they are taking so that in turn they may inform their partners about it and so they can participate in the treatment. The physician is to base their treatment on the patient’s clinical status, history, symptoms and results.

A study was made that compared the patients undergoing the algorithm-based treatment and those that are taking the regular treatments given by clinic doctors. The patients received treatment from qualified physicians who had access to the same treatment and medications. The study was a success since the patient undergoing the algorithm-based program improved twice as much as those that were under the regular treatment. The patient’s outcome and functional improvement were better for those that took the algorithm based treatment.

Thus encouraging physicians and other health care system to design the same easy to use algorithm based treatment. Being uninsured is one of the contributing factors to quality of health care delivered because most people that are uninsured may find it hard to access to a quality care due to the cost of the care. Most of the uninsured are those having part time jobs. Texas and other states are now expanding their health insurance coverage in order to cover those that are not insured.

In line with this, most states are exploring strategies that build on employment-based coverage, through a publicly funded premium assistance. Others are exploring ways that government and employers can work together to provide premium assistance through Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. The employment-based coverage are seeking ways to provide health saving funds, improve the outreach and eligible but not employed in any programs and to make use of the insurance to make private coverage more affordable.

This would assist in improving the quality of care given to the patients because there would be sufficient funds for the person to gain access to provide to the cost of care. With the different health care innovations made possible the chances of improving the quality of care is high with the support of the people involve and those in the medical fields as well. Treatments and prevention will improve; the cost of care would be at the range where it would be affordable to those people that cannot gain access to health care because of the high cost.

It would provide new opportunities and improve the care that health care professions provide with greater access to short-term behavioral health benefits requiring no co-payments, deductibles, or restriction. The different innovations would address the challenges faced by the elderly and low-income population. It would address the behavioral problems that present with medical symptoms. With the health care innovations, patient’s satisfaction would increase with the quality of care and access to the service would be readily available to the public.

Reference: What are innovations?State/local/Regional Innovations Clinical Tools Clinical Tools http://www. cmwf. org/tools/tools. htm Improving Continuity of Care for Chronic Care: The Texas Medication Algorithm Project http://www. cmwf. org/tools/tools_shows. htm? doc_id=234407 States as Laboratories for expanding.

Coverage http://www. cmwf. org/tools/tools_shows. htm? doc_id=273662 Texas Medication Algorithm Project guidelines produce improvements in patients with major depressive disorder http://www. news-medical. net/? id=3084 Taking Primary Health Care on the Road http://www. dshs. state. tx. us/chscontracts/newsletter/fall2006/NETPHDmoblevan. shtm.

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