Inhalants and Narcotics

It is extremely important for any rehabilitation center to correctly classify the patients according to the types of drugs they abuse for accurate patient assessment and documentation. One of the important distinctions to be made while classifying patients is whether they are addicts of narcotics or inhalants. There are several conspicuous points, mentioned below for each of narcotics and inhalants that should be carefully observed while profiling the patients

Narcotics: Narcotics are chemical or organic drugs that produce stupor, relaxation, and calmness or stimulation, depending upon the abuser’s mental state. Opium, Cocaine, Morphine, Heroine, Methadone, and Fentanyl are some of the commonly used organic substances that have been termed as narcotics. Most of the substances classified as narcotics are essentially drugs that are abused by addicts in levels far greater than that medically recommended to reduce tension, boost confidence, and achieve aggression.

Narcotics are usually taken orally, injected or sniffed. Persistent use of narcotics lead to disorientation, ack of concentration, nausea, persistent depression, severe respiratory problems and often mental derangement. Other effects, due to improper drugs or injection methods cause skin disease, neurological disorders, and AIDS and Hepatitis B disease. Inhalants: Unlike narcotics, inhalants are not drugs.

They are rather household or industrial products such as solvents, glues, lighter fluids, and paint products that are inhaled by abusers to achieve intoxicating affects like alcohol. While most of the narcotics are banned, inhalants are easily available and hence widely abused. Use of inhalants cause rash around nose or mouth, patches of paints or solvents on skin and distinct odor of inhalant around the patient.


Drugs of Abuse. 2005. Drug Enforcement Administration. US Department of Justice.

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