Influenza: A Plague and a Dilemma

Department of Health has noted an outrageous stream of influenza cases in the contemporary society. Consequently, for the past 400 years, such cases on the disease has been strikingly increasing hence its wrath does not only come to an echelon of dilemma to “few” but rather on any being on the planet. The great Stoic philosopher Seneca once remarked, ‘‘Ignore pain, either it will go away or you will. ” This is probably the case.

However, the endpoint may leave something to be preferred, at least in some instances. Clearly, the primeval Greeks and Romans apprehensive enough about health to necessitate Seneca’s remark, but there was little enough that could be done in those days. Even though there has been discovered cures for the different categories of illness—with the help of advanced technology and high-standard healthcare practices—it does not give humankind the assurance that vaccination will save their sakes.

Nevertheless, the idea that breakthroughs in immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and other related fields coupled with a greater understanding of pathogenesis have resulted in the research and development of many new vaccines as well as improvements in several existing ones, salvation still lies on humanity’s choice of health. —causing them not to be able to pursue with their daily activities, inasmuch as they try to stay away with the dilemma. True enough, this so-called ‘flu’ is not just an “it-will-pass-by disease”—to note, countless die a day for not paying much attention on seeing their doctor for help, at that.

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