Infant mortality

Research focusing on developing further knowledge related to infant mortality should be a priority as well as the development of new methods and tools of study. At the same time, extensive research and testing of the impact of infant mortality and its significance in the development of perceptions, access and social and cultural responsiveness to health programs. Intervention #1- In-Hospital Pre-Natal Orientation Infant Mortality Publication This intervention is to be conducted in coordination with the existing prenatal health and pregnancy health programs of the hospital.

The intervention will involve the production of reading materials to be distributed as educational material in Obstetrics and Gynecological departments, health centers and online through linkage with hospital’s websites and independently as will be published by the program. Target production levels will be 1000 copies of the materials per month or 50% of the average infant patients admitted to the hospital. The program will be assisted by the health institution itself through the placement of regulations for to mandate offering the information to clients with pregnancies or infants.

Language level used for the materials will accommodate for clients whose primary language is not English and online publications will be made available in any other language that represents more than 5% of the of the jurisdiction of the hospital the program is to be launched in. Materials will be limited as one-page full publications distributed as brochures independently or with other health publications. Any publication that is not distributed in the hospital premises every quarter will be offered as inserts to other publication in general circulation.

Intervention #2- In-Hospital Pre-Natal Orientation Infant Mortality Education The intervention is to be conducted as a component of existing formal or classroom based education programs being conducted by the health institution provided as part of reproductive, prenatal and neonatal health programs mandated by the state or independently conducted. This involves visual presentations of the issue, which includes research information, care on prevention methods to deter infancy morality.

Presenters must have at least three years experience related to infant morality either from direct nursing or from medical experience. There should also be have orientation regarding the purpose of the program, particularly its social significance to establish in turn to the audience the value of the issue (NFIMR, 2001) The presentation conducted as a component of other health programs will be limited to a total of 15 minutes with 10 minutes reserved for questions. Further orientation and education can be scheduled with program officers individually or collectively with the resident program officers.

These consultation will involved more intensive discussion of issues and will serve as platform to refer to other departments that may provide further care assistance to clients. The education program will also cater to referred patients of the institution who have been identifies with infancy mortality issues. The program should be able to participate in in-house health programs at least once a week and be able to accommodate 75% of all requested consultations and referred patients. Intervention #3- Out-Hospital Pre-Natal Orientation Infant Mortality Education

This intervention will involve educational partnerships with the community or external health institutions that have programs regarding maternal, infant, and child health, access to quality health services, health communication and educational and community-based programs. Coordination will be done through communication with recognized or certified by mail or electronically communicating the availability of the infant mortality education materials, officers to conduct orientations and services of health institutions for infants at risk.

Program presentation will be identical to in-hospital pre-natal orientation infant mortality education and referrals will be channeled through community or social welfare officers. The program should be able conduct at least one out-hospital infancy mortality health request for presentation a week and be able to accommodate 75% of all requested consultations and referred clients. The consultation with community or social welfare officers will also serve as the programs primary assessment method of the community needs for infancy mortality and social issue that have to be recognized by the program.

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