Individual’s behaviour

Outline and briefly evaluate two ways in which the family may influence an individual’s behaviour. The family has a vital role in the primary socialisation process. Socialisation is the learning of norms, values and expected patterns of behaviour. The family can have a huge influence on gender identity. When a child is born the sex of the baby is immediately determined, thus labelling the baby with certain characteristics before it has formed it’s own identity, for example- baby girls are automatically wrapped in a pink blanket and boys in blue. Will, Self and Datan did an experiment where a number of mothers were shown, separately, Beth in a pink dress and Adam in Blue costume, and studied their reactions.

The result was that girls were viewed as sweet and were smiled at more often. However, Beth and Adam was the same baby; thus, illustrating the difference in treatment between the sexes. This difference can affect the individual behaviour: boys are supposed to be masculine and girls feminine. If they do not conform to the norm, the family will often sanction them for involving themselves in ‘wrong’ activities. Ann Oakley identified this process as Canalisation (channelling boys into masculine activities) and also the Different Activities. A contemporary example is Billy Elliot; his father wanted him to Box as this was a form of expressing his masculinity, however Billy preferred ballet (an activity associated with girls). By daring to be different Billy was ostracised and ridiculed by his peers and family. This could have extreme effects on his behaviour, such as low self-esteem.

Another way in which the family may influence an individual’s behaviour is by sanctioning. They use sanctions (rewards and punishments) to guide and control the learning process. If the child follows the proper norms then they will be rewarded with smiles, loving attention and, praise and treats. If the child behaves improperly they will be punished by frowns, stern tone, and removal of privileges, reprimands and previously smacking. Without the family enforcing sanctions, a child s less likely to behave in a correct manner for their society as they have not learnt the difference between right and wrong. The process does not ensure the children will always behave correctly; a child is likely to test the boundaries of acceptable behaviour and will sometimes show defiance. However when as long as sanctions are enforced during the situations, over a period of time the child will eventually learn.

Using item A, identify and briefly explain two meanings that the interviewees associated with the concept if ‘gender equality’. One of the ideas associated with gender equality is the removal of career stereotypes for men and women. Women are stereotyped into certain professions which are deemed to be women’s work, due to their nurturing nature, for example, nursing is predominantly women. Women often dominate the lower paid spectrum of the workforce and earn roughly 17% less than men. Gender equality would mean bridging the gap between salaries and encouraging men and women to break the career stereotypes, for example male nurses and female executives.

Another idea related with gender equality is the shared responsibilities. Traditionally women are seen as the homemakers and men as the breadwinners, women dominate the private sphere, and therefore domestic chores are commonly seen as ‘women’s work’. Recently there has been an increase in mothers going back to work after giving birth and breaking the traditional role of the mother.

This means men are sharing more responsibilities and a recent study showed that many men now take part in the chores and partners have joint conjugal roles rather than separate roles. However feminists such as Fiona Devine argue that roles are not becoming more equal and women undertake primary responsibility of domestic shores whilst holding down paid labour as well. A sharing of these domestic chores could be deemed as gender equality.

Identify and briefly explain two characteristics associated with feminine behaviour. Women express their identity though appearance so looking after themselves is a common characteristic of females. This is why the majority of beauty products are marketed towards women. Sociologist Lees discovered in her study that appearance is crucial to a girl’s identity, and one must act modestly and dress accordingly in order to conform. (Ladettes are an exception to the rule!!!!).

Another characteristic of feminine behaviour is nurturing. Women are traditionally seen as the homemakers rather than the breadwinners. The nurturing characteristic means the woman is a motherly figure and is seen to support and take care of the family. Even in their job choices women often opt for nurturing roles, for example, primary school teachers. A study done by Sue Sharpe in the 70’s and again in the 90’s found that girls see their main role as nurturers to some degree, although more recently this characteristic had taken aback seat as women are now aspiring to be me more independent and career focused.

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