Increasing Rate Of Plastic Surgery Among Women

Women always want to be a beautiful regardless of their age. The main reason why women are so eager to have a perfect face and body is the portrayal of celebrity in the media. Television commercials, magazine covers and internet advertisements constantly show the ideal beauty of women. Gaye Tuchman, professor of Sociology in Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, argues “The entertainment media may also generate myths, not images. ” (1979).

Media has power to imprint celebrity appearance to women. When they first see the picture of a model, they recognize that the model’s image, but it as a myth as a consequence of media. As a result of the media’s ceaseless exposure of a perfect female’s body, many women decide to have plastic surgery. This paper demonstrates an issue of top four plastic surgery countries and points out the media’s exposure of woman’s perfect appearance. Beautiful women are preferred in every country.

Brazil ranks the highest plastic surgery rates in the world. Before 2013, the United States ranked first. An International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery survey shows that Brazil surpasses total surgical procedures, including face and head and body extremities, performed in the United States. Even though U. S. recorded the highest breast augmentation surgery rates, Brazil exceeds breast lift, breast reduction, and gynecomastia surgery rates. (2013). In Brazil, low income people can access plastic surgery for free.

According to Sara (2012), “Interestingly, cosmetic surgery consumption is not limited to middle-class and affluent Brazilians; low-income Brazilian women line up for free cosmetic surgery in public hospitals in an attempt to improve their ‘self-esteem’ and their chance of a better life, in a milieu in which the social value of appearance is increasingly embedded in competitive, sexualized consumer markets; it is not just rich women who participate. “

Women always want to be a beautiful regardless of their age. The main reason why women are so eager to have a perfect face and body is the portrayal of celebrity in the media. Television commercials, magazine covers and internet …

Introduction: Good afternoon to my tutor and all my fellow friends. I felt pleasure because I have this opportunity to stand here and give a speech. My topic for today is plastic surgery. So, what is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery …

The media plays an important role that has a huge impact on our society about plastic surgery. According to Hoffmann (2004), the media conveys the messages to the public through advertisement, magazines, and television, which has increased the distorted standard …

There were 14. 6 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed in 2012 alone (Minimally). People are getting plastic surgery for psychological needs. Some people may need it because of low self-esteem, depression, society, and more. People may go to the …

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