In Response to the Arguments against Abortion

Even scientists are at a disagreement over when human life commences.  It is however clear that a fetus is a mere tissue and its expulsion from the mother’s womb should not be given any significance other than the removal of any part of a person’s skin. It has neither the mind of its own nor an existence independent from the mother. It cannot even survive without the nourishment and sustenance of the mother.

It has no knowledge of what is good or bad. It is still not capable of feeling anything. Though the fetus has a potential to become a living individual, the fact remains that it is not a living individual unless it is completely delivered from the mother’s womb. There is no point in giving priority to the needs of an unborn child when the life and welfare of the mother is more paramount.

There may be truth to the argument that abortion is inherently an unsafe procedure and that it is always possible for the patient to suffer infertility and miscarriage. However, it cannot also be denied that seeking assistance from unlicensed physicians to terminate pregnancies in secret places will expose women to even greater danger.

On the other hand, recognizing the morality of abortion and giving women access to medical benefits significantly reduce the risks associated with unsafe and unsanitary abortion.  Moreover, the patients will be able to avail of abortion services even in the hospitals where experienced and licensed doctors can practice it without fear of being prosecuted by the state and persecuted by the people.


Abortion is essentially an issue of choice.  It is not murder. It is not about religion or about life.  Most importantly, it is not immoral.  It is an affirmation of the value and sanctity of human life and that women should not be allowed to face pregnancy if they are not ready.

The Pro-Abortion upholds the right of the women to terminate their pregnancy.  Abortion is not murder.  A fetus is not a human person.  Unless and until it is delivered from a mother’s womb, it is not and cannot be considered …

The opponents of abortion try to call themselves Pro-Life.  They try to shift the discussion to the issues of life and death.  One of their arguments is that abortion destroys the sanctity of human life.  Abortion is the same as …

Abortion has been deliberately defined as a termination of a fetus’s capability to have an independent life. A fetus, in its direct sense is any unborn vertebrate possessing almost entirely the physical features normally identified to human beings. Contrary to …

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion of a fetus or embryo from the uterus, resulting in or caused by its death. [1] An abortion can occur spontaneously due to complications during pregnancy or can …

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