Improvement of health care

Many problems can take place with the paper based record keeping system like theft of record, misplaced records, misfiled records and unavailability of records but it is a fact that EMR is always available and can be used from anywhere and the morale of the employees is high as they are satisfied that they are providing the customers everything that they are asking for. Increase of Efficiency: Many factors are involved in increasing the efficiency of EMR. The use of electronic documentation of prescription has changed the scenario to the large extent.

Now the time of prescription pads and paper is no more and the prescription is provided directly to the pharmacy; chosen by the patient. All this work is done by using just few clicks or pressing of few buttons. Electronic prescriptions are easy to handle and also there is no fear of loosing the prescription over the patients. EMR system is designed in such a way that whatever the advices or documentation is being done in the record of the patient; is also being conveyed to the concerned physician. EMR also allows the physicians to use educational material that is provided in the digital format for them.

It allows the physicians to learn about the advancements, new treatments and new medicines. EMR not only educates the physicians but it also provides material that is very much beneficial for the patients and the physicians can provide the printed copies of this material to the patients whenever they visit them. It is also providing the facility of inter communication without leaving the seats. EMR has increased the care of patients as the history of all the patients is available at any time and the physicians can proceed with their treatments just after observing the previous records of the patients.

This thing helps the physician to know about the nature and sensitivity of the patient and can treat them according to it. (Everything you wanted to know, 4) Improvement of Clinical Processes: The clinical care processes need to be improved and the efficiency is required in the field of health care. For this reasons the medical organizations are trying to implement EMR every where. The development of EMR is very much necessary for the improvement of health care. According to the observations it has been seen that the response towards these electronic system is very much positive.

Most of the organizations want to apply this system just because they want to improve health care processes. Organizations have noticed that there are great positive influences of IT over the development in different medical fields. In medical organizations the EMR is very much helpful in maintaining the documents, patient’s records, increasing efficiency and providing the physicians with the most easy processes and detailed records. If all these factors are attained then obviously the health care processes are also improved as a result. (Fernandez, 1)

The accessibility should not be limited; it should not be available just with in the office of the physician as he can need it and use it anywhere else like in conference room, during traveling and trips, at home and …

Electronic records are known for improving the efficiency and organization of any records system, no matter what discipline they are utilized. The field of medicine is one discipline that would benefit most in the use of electronic records. An electronic …

The purpose of this study that we are performing is simply to provide the access to the physicians from anywhere and at any time whether while sitting at home or during their trips or during some sort of conference or …

EMR is not only providing with the electronic documentation but it is also providing the physicians with a way to research more and learn more. If the EMR is implemented and the staff is taught how to use it and …

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