Importance of Accessing and Centralizing EMR

Importance of EMR can not be denied in any case and there are many reasons for which it is considered as an important development in the field of medical. Importance of accessing the EMR is very much as in order to find out the medical history and records of the patients. Obviously for looking at the records and history and also for the intercommunication it is necessary to access EMR but the importance of accessibility from anywhere is of more importance as it allows the physicians to pay attention at their cases even by sitting at home or during traveling without centralization and accessibility of EMR it would not have been possible.

This centralization is important for physicians as their time is saved and they can perform some of their tasks in their free time and also they can show these histories and cases to other physicians and in conferences. From patient’s point of view it is important as they get the know how of their problems and can take care of themselves in a better way. The enhanced accessibility and centralized data in EMR provides improved working efficiency and performance. The importance of EMR for patients can be shown from the fact that they can even use this information stored in the EMR even when they change their physician.

The accessibility of EMR is important for saving the time and efforts of the physicians as well. It is also important for the improvement of health care processes and also for mounting the financial results. (Duddy, 1) There are many patients who do not feel to disclose their health related issues and are hesitant of it. A survey was made about the centralization of the system, security of information, accessibility and other issues related to this topic in Canada.

According to that survey 75 percent patients were not having any problem in disclosing their health conditions in front of every other physician and any one who is visiting the central database. 75 percent of the people were very much conscious about the security of information. These people were concerned about the theft of data or hacking. 81 percent people were among those who were worried that the information should not be seen by any one else except the doctors or physicians them selves.

These people were not willing that the non professional people can access their health related information. 93 percent people think that the people should be told about any action or changes that are going to be made or in other words they supported the system and wanted to involve themselves in the system. The survey shows that majority of the people are willing to have such systems where the information is centralized and accessible by the doctors or physicians. (Monk, 1)

The accessibility should not be limited; it should not be available just with in the office of the physician as he can need it and use it anywhere else like in conference room, during traveling and trips, at home and …

There are many physicians who would like to implement the EMR at some other place rather than the examination room. They want to enter the data about the patient after examining them and visiting them. So the terminals are establishes …

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It allows the intercommunication between the staff which allows communicating with each other regarding any matter by sitting any where. It also allows using the same record of the same patient by multiple people at the same time. The records …

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