Impact of stress in the office work place

Stress refers to the emotional and the physical stiff that is due to the response of the pressure from the world around that particular person. The common reactions include: tension, irritability, inability to concentrate and the variety of the physical symptoms like the headache and a faster heartbeat. It is not possible to live without some stress and if it gets out of control, then it harms the health of that person, the relationship with others is interfered with and therefore such a person finds it hard to relate with the other colleagues and also the enjoyment of life.

The situations that lead to stress are: working for full time while raising the family and the parents been ill, retired and depending on you; been single and due to inflation and the salary been stagnant then it becomes hard each month to pay the bills; been a divorcee and have the rights to take care of the children and therefore everything is dependent on you; and lastly the expectations and the competition in the work place becoming more harder, therefore you are supposed to come early, stay until late hours and be given more work than you can be able to handle can lead to stress.

In management of stress then one should ensure that he or she knows how the stress affects the mind and body, how to identify the warning signs of stress, how to be able to develop a good stress management techniques and when one will be required to seek for the professional help that is in times when the stress becomes more for the person to be able to have control of it and therefore one should know how to do so that the stress does not go to the worst stages in life then one should make sure that all that is supposed to be done is accomplished within the time that it is required.

( Isotalus,2003) For one to know that he or she has got stress then there are signs that includes: the mental signs that is the tension in that one is not able to know what to undertake this is because the mind has been affected. There is the irritability where by one does not know how to go about the assignment that is given.

Having problems in concentration meaning that one does the work imperfectly and there is the feeling of tiredness where by one feels exhausted all the time even without having done any work and there is the problem to get sleep in that one stays awake for a long time without getting sleep. This means that the person is mentally affected and need to know at the early stage so that steps may be taken to prevent it.

The physical signs includes the dry mouth, a pounding heart, difficulty in breathing, stomach problems, frequent urination, there is the sweating of the palms and also the muscles becomes tight leading to pain and trembling such signs are indications that one has got stress and need to be reduced before it becomes worse. (Ishmael, 1998) Most of the people who are addicts in smoking, drinking and drug abuse are seen to have stress as people does these things so that they can switch off but it is not possible as they do not solve the problem.

According to a research that was done in America showed that two thirds of the office visits to the family doctors are cases of stress symptoms, also people having experiences in their lives of things or events they find very hard to cope this is linked to stress. It also showed that most of the middle aged men who has no mental support were in severe condition are likely to die within the seven years after the stress compared to others with the same amount of stress but have personal ties.

This means that when one has got stress then it is easier to cope with it through assistance from the relatives or friends is able to stay for a long time compared to another that has got the same amount of stress without support therefore it is advisable for people to have compassion to those in their family with the signs of stress. The stress management program is able to reduce the risks of heart attack by a high percentage and the stress related mental problems affects the growth of people mostly in developed countries like the US.

It has been shown that due to changes in technology in the work place then most of the people see that with the increase in productivity that results from the use of new technology will affect the people and lead to stress this is because they are forced to spent most of their time in the work place meaning that what they have to do is get the skills that are required and due to this state of been dependent on your work without assistance from others leads to stress.

The need for the people to get emails and voice mails contributes to stress. In the adjustment to the new technologies like the web, the networks, the personal communications that has increased in the world places the demands on workers so that they attain such techniques.

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