Impact Of Pollution On Cancer

There are many types of environmental pollution and some of them cause cancer. Many studies have discovered the link of the various types of environmental pollution with the development of cancer. Cancer is spread through any of the media of pollution namely through water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. In water pollution the common sources of cancer are heavy metals, toxic organic chemicals and leachates from waste disposal site. The heavy metals like acenic and cardinium are highly toxic and cause cancer at very low concentration.

Through land pollution cancer is spread by exposure of human beings to pesticides, radioactive materials and heavy metals. Some pesticides are highly toxic, non bio -degradable and persist in the environmental for a very long period of time. Cancer spread through the exposure of people particulate matter, volatile organic compounds and through radioactive matters in air. Environmental pollution is inevitable and necessary part of life for people who depend on technology. Therefore to curb and reduce the spread of cancer measures of controlling and reducing air pollution, water pollution and land pollution must be employed.

INTRODUCTION: There are many types of environmental pollution and some of them cause cancer. Many studies have discovered the link of the various types of environmental pollution with the development of cancers. Pollution is the undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristic of air, land and water which harmfully affects human life and other resources. The driving forces for environmental pollution are high human population, the overconsumption of resources due to affluence and use of inappropriate technology.

Cancers incidents are affected more by causes of pollution especially air pollution. Water pollution has also some effects which affect humans but their instances on cancer are minimal. Cancer is the abnormal division or multiplication of cells. The abnormal multiplication of blood cells may cause Leukemia. There are three media cause of pollution. Where cancer can originate from which are land pollution, water pollution and atmospheric pollution. Cancer can be spread through water pollution, ground water pollution and through ocean pollution.

Through water exposure of substances like heavy metals, toxic organic chemicals and lactates from waste disposals. Pollution from agricultural activities, hazardous waster and illegal dumping causes cancer to human beings. Under land pollution, the exposure of human beings to wastes like heavy metals, pesticides used in agricultural activities leads to the spread of cancer. Causes of cancer in the air include suspended particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals and radioactive materials. pollution is the contributor to the spread of lung cancer.

The use of domestic fuels for cooking causes lung cancer. When biomass is used for cooking it causes lung cancer to women who get exposes to its smoke for a period of 4 to 6 hours a day. When a medical examination is done symptoms like meta static lymph fluid are seen at the patient’s lungs. Lung Cancer can arise due to indoor pollution through coal burning at homes. Coal smokes contains carcinogens like radon, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide. When human beings get exposures of carcinogens chances of getting lung cancer increases.

In another case where lung cancer arises due to indoor pollution is where kerosene is used for cooking. Women who get exposed to kerosene smoke when cooking eventually get affected with lung cancer. Another cause of lung cancer is burning of sold fuel in poorly ventilated houses. Indoor pollution causes lung cancer in a case where sold fuel is burnt in a poorly ventilated room. Another cause where the development of lung cancer due to indoor pollution arises is where liquefied petroleum gas is used for cooking.

The use of liquefied petroleum gas for cooking in poorly ventilated rooms causes cancer. Lung cancer has been common to women who get exposed to smoke from liquefied when cooking. Indoor pollutants like volatile substances that originate from cooking oils at high temperatures cause cancer to human beings. Burning of volatile substances especially when cooking leads to the spread of cancer to human beings. Using of hydrocarbons in indoors can also lead to the spread of lung cancer. Hydrocarbons are known human carcinogens.

Polycyclic aromatic are the examples of hydrocarbons that expose the bodies of human beings to cancer when burnt. TYPES OF ENVIROPMENTAL POLLUTION. The forms of environmental pollution concerned with the spread of cancer include: 1. Land pollution 2. Water pollution 3. Air pollution i. WATER POLLUTION. Ground water pollution and ocean pollution also fall under water pollution; Cancer can arise through water pollution. Pollutants that cause cancer present in water include. 1 heavy metals 2 toxic organic chemicals 3 Lactates from waste disposal sites.

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