Impact Of Nurses Changing The Future Per Institute Of Medicine

This report will review the impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 Report on the future of Nurses leading change by education, Nursing Practice in primary care, changing Nursing Practice to meet to IOM Report goals and impact on Nurse’s in leadership roles for the future. The future of Healthcare is ever changing. In 2008, a report was made that provided a two year look at keeping up with the ever changing Healthcare changes and overhaul needed.

The report was created by Robert Wood Foundation (RWF). RWF saw the future needs that are here with the increase aging population, chronic diseases, and the complications associated with this. The 2010 IOM report supported the need of dramatic Health care changes and overhaul. Medicare and Medicaid are of the biggest payer sources for Healthcare. The proposal of the IOM report supported changing Healthcare will improve the quality of care; provide patiently centered care while controlling Healthcare cost (“The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health, “ 2010, October 5).

Who will be involved in these Healthcare changes? Nurses will play a huge role in the future changes, in Healthcare. How can Nurses be ready for this transition? Nurses are increasing their education as they will be key roles in the health care changes. Nurses called upon to work in team collaboration approach with other Healthcare professionals to make Healthcare overhaul a success. Nurses have the wisdom and knowledge as they are the ones providing care to the patients and families at the bedside every day. Nursing education in the past will not meet the demands or needs of the patients today.

The impact on Nursing per the IOM report calls for nurses to increase their education to meet these demands of ever changing Healthcare. Nurses who will increase one’s knowledge and education to become prepared for the IMPACTS ON NURSING FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE 3 future of Healthcare is vital. Nurses are coming together for one call, one cause, the patient providing improved quality care and controlling cost. Nurses increased knowledge will empower Nurses to meet demands of the changing Healthcare needs of all patients (“The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health,” 2010, October 5).

What is the result of the IOM report on nursing practice and especially Primary care? Some may argue, currently the nurses scope is limited in every state due to the laws, legislation, and regulations of each state Nurse’s Board. Nurse’s scope of practice is very limited and will not meet the needed demands for nurses to make needed decisions for the aging population, chronic disease issues present. What needs to happen to develop and improve the nursing scope of practice?

The national Government involved in this process will allow nurses the ability to be involved in the decisions made for patients. Nurses need to be involved in primary care to assist and work at one’s highest level of education and training. The federal government and the state needs to work together to allow the expansion of one’s Nurses scope of practice. Multiple changes will need to take place for nurses to expand their scope of practice throughout the United States, and this will take time. Nurses can speak up by being a voice to one’s legislatures; Board of Nursing for one’s state (“The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health,” 2010, October 5).

How can one change one’s nursing practice to meet the IOM reports goals of expansion of Nurse Scope of practice? Education, training, forming committees and groups to educate all Healthcare Professionals of this must change could be valuable. Community Care Plan of Eastern North Carolina (CCPEC) which I am employed is a part of the needed change. It will be IMPACTS ON NURSING FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE 4 easy to offer trainings and education regarding the goals of the IOM report of involving Nurses, Physicians, and other Healthcare professionals in the needed development of health care systems.

Patients being involved in their Health Care decisions, meeting patients where they are, transition across settings like from the Hospital to home, assisted living facilities. CCPEC has saved over one and half billion dollars in Medicaid by providing quality patient centered care while managing cost. CCPEC is a role model for the future Healthcare change needed that the federal government is reviewing. Providers in NC are very thankful to have CCPEC involved in patient care.

Training and educating Nurses, Physicians and Healthcare professionals, in the state of NC regarding the needed change and overhaul, will be comfortable. (“The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health,” 2010, October 5). Nurses need to be front and center working side by side with Physicians, and other Healthcare professionals to implement the needed Healthcare changes. Nurses starting out their careers may have dreams of being a floor nurse and not necessarily leadership role. Nurses answering the call to take care of their patients as Florence Nightingale is now called to an even higher calling to become leaders in the future Healthcare.

Nurses expanding one’s profession, commitment, role, and leadership on behalf of the patients and families to provide quality patient centered care while managing cost. Who is better to better to answer this call than a Nurse to lead? A Nurses knowledge, wisdom and experience will meet the needs of the patients and committed to providing quality Healthcare (“The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health,” 2010, October 5). In conclusion, Nurses being dedicated to one’s calling to increase education; learning and growth will enable Nurses to be ready to be a voice to the Physicians, one’s state, and other IMPACTS ON NURSING FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE 5 professionals in the Healthcare settings.

Nurses, like the Historians of old, answering the call to be leaders of change will promote quality of care for an aging population, chronic illnesses, disease processes and complication. Nurses can and will make a difference for patients and healthcare. IMPACTS ON NURSING FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE 6 References: (2010, October 5). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Retrieved from http://www. iom. edu/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing- Health. aspx.

This report will review the impact of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) 2010 Report on the future of Nurses leading change by education, Nursing Practice in primary care, changing Nursing Practice to meet to IOM Report goals and impact on …

Future of Professional Nursing Development: Impact of the Institute of Medicine Report Future of nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health (2010) is a report issued by the Instituted of Medicine, which “calls on nurses to take a greater role in America’s …

The Impact on Nursing of the 2010 Institute of Medicine Report on the Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health; was a product of collaboration between the IOM and the …

The Impact on Nursing of the 2010 Institute of Medicine Report on the Future of Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health; was a product of collaboration between the IOM and the …

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